IIR Filters
• iirhigh(C, f)—Returns coefficients for a highpass IIR filter with cutoff frequency f. The input array C is generated by one of the IIR filter coefficient functions.
• iirlow(C, f)—Returns coefficients for a lowpass IIR filter with cutoff frequency f. The input array C is generated by one of the IIR filter coefficient functions.
• iirpass(C, lowf, highf)—Returns coefficients for a bandpass IIR filter with cutoff frequencies lowf and highf. The input array C is generated by one of the IIR filter coefficient functions.
• iirstop(C, lowf, highf)—Returns coefficients for a bandstop IIR filter with cutoff frequencies lowf and highf. The input array C is generated by one of the IIR filter coefficient functions.
• C is a coefficient array produced by one of the IIR filter coefficient functions.
• f, lowf, and highf are real frequencies, normalized to the sampling frequency, between 0 and 0.5.