Solve Blocks > About Solve Blocks
About Solve Blocks
Solve blocks are used to solve equations and systems of linear, non-linear, and differential equations. They can also be used to solve optimization problems by finding the minimum and maximum points of a given function within given constraints.
Solve blocks arrive at solutions by utilizing guess values and then stepping towards the solution in an iterative manner. The solution is often an approximation that falls within the convergence tolerance TOL and the constraint tolerance CTOL of the real solution.
Each solve block can have only one solving function. You can, however, define a function such as f(a) := find(x) at the end of one solve block and then use this same function in another solve block. The first solve block is called a parameterized solve block.
You must define guess values, or initial/boundary conditions, above the solve block function. If you expect the solutions to be complex, use complex guess values. If you are solving for n variables, then the solve block must have n equations. Matrix notation is allowed, as is solving for matrix variables.
Solve Block Benefits
You can set up problems in natural math notation. The equations you are solving are explicit and not hidden in definitions of vectors and matrices, or in solver definitions.
You can specify constraints that restrict the desired solution to a particular range of the solution space.
Solve block functions automatically select the appropriate algorithm for solving your problem.
With the iteration process employed by solve blocks, you can find the solution to a system of nonlinear equations. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to solve such a system using matrix calculation.
You can move regions within the solve block and you can move the solve block region as a single entity across the worksheet.
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