Functions > Reading and Writing Files > Example: Using HLS and HSV Color Systems File Access Functions
Example: Using HLS and HSV Color Systems File Access Functions
Use HLS and HSV color systems related functions to read the below image.
HLS Color System
1. Use READ_HUE to read the hue component of an image.
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The hue component is common to both HLS and HSV color systems.
2. Use READ_LIGHT to read the light component of the image, as a part of the HLS color system.
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3. Use READ_HLS_SAT to read the saturation component of the image, as a part of the HLS color system.
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4. Read the image using READ_HLS.
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M1 is a packed image matrix.
5. Join the hue, light and hls_sat matrices to a single matrix and compare it to M1.
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Click to copy this expression
The two matrices are identical.
6. Write out M2 to a graphic file.
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HSV Color System
1. Use READ_VALUE to read the value component of an image, as a part of the HSV color system.
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2. Use READ_HSV_SAT to read the saturation component of the image, as a part of the HSV color system.
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3. Read the image using READ_HSV.
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M3 is a packed image matrix.
4. Join the hue, hsv_sat and value matrices to a single matrix and compare it to M3.
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Click to copy this expression
The two matrices are identical.
5. Write out M4 to a graphic file.
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Comparing the Results
Read the two images and compare them.
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Although you used two color systems, the two images are identical.
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