Updates and enhancements to the Symbolic engine in PTC Mathcad Prime
User Interface Location: ClickMath > Operators and Symbols > Symbolics
Release: PTC Mathcad Prime
Benefits and Description:
PTC Mathcad Prime continues to enhance the functionality of the new symbolics engine introduced in PTC Mathcad Prime With this symbolic engine, we can deliver updates and enhancements to symbolics with each new release of PTC Mathcad Prime.
In PTC Mathcad Prime, the following symbolics updates and enhancements are available:
• Symbolic integral transform enhancements
◦ Significant improvement and expansion in use and performance, including added supported use cases, for the following symbolic integral transforms:
▪ fourier and invfourier
▪ laplace and invlaplace
▪ ztrans and invztrans
• New nfact and ofact modifiers
◦ For use with fourier keyword, allows the user to define normalization and oscillatory factors
• Improvement of Calculus Operators
◦ Improved performance and added supported use cases for calculus operators, including:
▪ Limits
▪ Derivative
▪ Integrals
• General keyword improvements
◦ Improved performance and added supported use cases for keywords, including:
▪ solve
▪ rewrite
▪ series
▪ simplify
▪ assume
• Improvement in undefined variable handling in symbolic results
◦ Better auto-labeling of free undefined variables and variables in lambda expressions