Symbolics > Keywords and Modifiers > About Keywords
About Keywords
When you evaluate an expression using the symbolic evaluation operator, PTC Mathcad simplifies the result by performing arithmetic and combining variables.
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To perform more complex symbolic operations, you can insert a keyword that specifies the operation. Keywords appear above the symbolic evaluation operator.
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Keywords and the operations they perform follow in the next table:
Valid Modifier(s)
Makes assumptions about the domain of the variables.
ALL, complex, even, fully, integer, odd, real, RealRange, using
Returns the Cauchy principal value of an integral.
Returns the coefficients of a polynomial.
degree, fully, using
Collects terms containing like powers of a variable.
fully, using
Combines terms in an expression using properties of elementary functions.
atan, exp, fully, ln, log, sincos, sinhcosh, using
Calculates the continued fraction expansion of a number or function.
fraction, fully, matrix, using
Multiplies powers and products from an expression.
fully, using
Returns expressions with the values of variables substituted in place but without reducing numerical expressions.
ALL, fully, using
Factors an expression.
complex, domain, fully, real, using
Returns results with available numeric values reduced using floating-point calculations to the specified precision.
fully, using
Returns a detailed solution to an equation.
Expands a rational expression into a sum of fractions with linear or quadratic denominators.
complex, domain, fully, using
Returns results involving complex numbers separated into real and imaginary parts.
fully, using
Rewrites expressions in terms of elementary functions.
acos, acot, asin, atan, cos, cosh, cot, coth, exp, fully, gamma, ln, log, raw, signum, sin, sincos, sinh, sinhcosh, tan, tanh, using
Expands a function or expression in a Taylor or Laurent series around 0.
fully, using
Algebraically simplifies or evaluates an expression.
fully, max, using
Solves an equation symbolically.
fully, using, generated
Replaces all occurrences of a variable with another variable, an expression, or a number.
fully, raw, using
Replaces a generated variable in the solution to an equation.
Evaluates the transform or inverse transform of a function.
fully, raw, using