About Slider
The Slider advanced control allows you to accept user input in the form of relative position on a slider. The default output is a range between 0.0 and 100.0, determined by the position of the slider. To change the appearance of a slider, right-click the slider and select > , You can also modify the class attributes of the slider in a script.
Note that you must enter integer and floating-point values for Minimum, Maximum, Tick frequency Line size and Page size in the Properties tab.
For slider, there are four events in the default script : Start, Exec, Stop, and ValueChanged. Use the Exec event to process inputs and outputs. This includes converting the selection from the default integer output to other numerical output. To format the slider apperance, use the Start event or the Properties tab. Use the ValueChanged event to re-execute the control after a value selection change. You can also use this event to invoke other actions, such as alerts or script-based calculations.