Troubleshooting > Connectivity
Cannot Resolve Hostname
The Kepware+ Edge Agent doesn’t appear in Kepware+ and/or the Edge Agent Installion did not complete successfully.
The IoT check utlility detects and reports common connectivity issues. Running iotedge check can locate errors resolving host names.
host can connect to and perform TLS handshake with IoT Hub HTTPS / WebSockets port - Error
Could not connect to : could not resolve hostname
Possible Solution:
Specify the DNS server for your environment in the container engine settings, which applies to all container modules started by the engine. Create a file named daemon.json, then specify the DNS server to use. For example:
"dns": [""]
This DNS server is set to a publicly accessible DNS service. However, some networks, such as corporate networks, have their own DNS servers installed and won't allow access to public DNS servers. Therefore, if your edge device can't access a public DNS server, replace it with an accessible DNS server address.
Agent Status is Disconnected
This can be caused by a delay in the updating process.
It may take up to ~five minutes for Kepware+ to reflect connectivity status changes.
If the Kepware+ edge agent is not communicating / showing as offline with Kepware+, it's time to start troubleshooting to determine the cause.
Check the installer logs by opening the log.txt file created by the Kepware+ Edge Agent Installer. This log contains a list of commands executed by the installer, and may contain information on the root cause of an error. If there is no obvious errors in the installer log, next step is to run the iotedge self checks (below).
Run the Iot Edge self-check utility to check for common connectivity and configuration issues. This self-check takes a few minutes to complete, but may take longer if network connectivity is impacted. Run the self-check using the following command:

sudo iotedge check
For any issues with connectivity, ensure that the network allows outbound access to
over port 443. If the network uses a TLS-inspecting proxy, add an exception for the Iot Hub endpoint or the Kepware+ Edge Agent cannot communicate with Iot Hub.
Agent Disconnects on VM Pause
Specifically on Linux Virtual Machines, pausing the VM causes the agent to disconnect and fail to re-connect when the VM resumes.
To resolve this, reboot the Virtual Machine.
Restarting the Kepware+ Agent
Any time the Kepware+ Agent appears to be offline, you can restart it (on the install system) using the command: sudo iotedge restart PTCEdgeAgent
Restarting the IOT Edge Runtime
If the list command reveals the runtime is not running or if changes have been made, restart it using the command: sudo iotedge system restart
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