Arbortext IsoDraw > Référence du langage macro > Window Commands > Palette Window Toolbox > Creating Elements > Create Polygon
Create Polygon
The CREATE POLYGON command plots a polygon.
CREATE POLYGONxycornersradiusanglevalue
Define the center of the polygon.
Defines how many corners (or sides) the polygon is going to have.
Because a polygon behaves like an ellipse while being drawn, you also have to define a radius ( see Create Ellipse).
Because a polygon behaves like an ellipse while being drawn, you also have to define an angle as the ellipse angle (see Create Ellipse).
Because a polygon behaves like an ellipse while being drawn, you also have to define a value as a ellipse value (see Create Ellipse).
#drawing an octagon
CREATE POLYGON 381.838 212.288 8 65 300 35.264