Arbortext IsoDraw > Référence du langage macro > Window Commands > Palette Window Toolbox > Creating Elements > Create Callout
Create Callout
The CREATE CALLOUT command inserts a callout element into the currently active document and optionally creates a logical connection (or link) to an object in the active document.
CREATE CALLOUT"style"x1y1x2y2TO"object_id""notation"
Style is used for the callout. The given style must be defined before using it for the command. The name of the style is case sensitive.
x1, y1
Starting point of the callout. The callout number will appear at the coordinates of the end point. To create a callout without a line the start and end coordinates have to be identical.
x2, y2
End point of the callout.
TO "object_id"
Creates a logical connection between the callout and the object with the specified object_ID on creation. object_id must be of the type STRING.
Optional parameter is needed for callout styles with the scheme set to NO SCHEME. In these cases the notation will be used as the callout text. If the scheme of the callout style is not set to NO SCHEME, the notation will be ignored.
#a callout with automatic numbering
CREATE CALLOUT "Normal" 112.39 110 290.99 100

#creating an element for later modification
DEFINE ele_07 AS element
ele_07 = CREATE CALLOUT "Normal" 112.39 110 290.99 100

#a callout with a given name
#remember: the “No scheme” style must be used
CREATE CALLOUT "myStyle" 15 127.25 15 115 "AX_22"