Arbortext IsoDraw > User's Reference > Menus > Edit Menu > Preferences > 3D Options > 3D Editing Preferences
3D Editing Preferences
The 3D Options panel in the Preferences dialog box includes the 3D editing preferences, Transformations include invisible parts and Show bounding box (for 3D sets in 2D mode).
3D Mode Transformations Include Invisible Parts
Select Transformations include invisible parts if you want to 3D mode transformations applied to both selected visible parts and any invisible parts they contain. Supported 3D transformations include: 3D Move, Rotation, Reflection, and Scale. If this setting is cleared (default), invisible parts inside of transformed 3D objects will not be transformed.
Scale transformations of hidden parts also apply to placed 3D objects that were projected into 2D with keep 3D data selected in the 3D Projection-Set dialog box. (See Projection into an Illustration.)
Show Bounding Box for 3D Sets
Select Show bounding box under 3D sets if you a want to display a bounding box for each placed 3D set in 2D mode. The bounding box line color matches the 1. color setting in the Grid preferences panel. (See Grid.)
3D set bounding boxes are not displayed in 2D Preview mode.
If Show bounding box is cleared (default), bounding boxes for 3D sets are not shown in 2D mode.
The example below shows two placed 3D sets with bounding boxes in 2D mode after 3D projection into 2D with keep 3D data and Show bounding box selected.
Example: Show bounding box preference selected
Changing 3D Editing Preferences in the Preferences File
You can optionally change Arbortext IsoDraw CADprocess 3D editing preferences by editing the Arbortext IsoDraw preferences file, IsoDraw 7.2 Preferences.prf. This file contains your preference settings in text format. Arbortext IsoDraw saves this file with your current preference settings each time you exit the application. The file is saved in the Application Data folder for your user name by default; for example, d:\User Profiles\username\Application Data\PTC\IsoDraw\Preferences\IsoDraw 7.2 Preferences.prf.
To change 3D editing preference settings, open the IsoDraw 7.2 Preferences.prf file with a text editor and find the setting you want to change under CADprocess Preferences, then change its value.
For example, to change the settings for 3D editing preferences, Transformations include invisible parts and Show bounding box, open IsoDraw 7.2 Preferences.prf and edit the values for CADprocess_TransformInvisible3DSubObjects and CADprocess_Show3DsetBoundingBox.
Allowed values for these settings are 0 and 1.
For CADprocess_TransformInvisible3DSubObjects:
(Default) Invisible parts inside of transformed objects will not be transformed.
Invisible parts inside of transformed objects will be transformed.
For CADprocess_Show3DsetBoundingBox:
(Default) bounding boxes for 3D sets are not shown in 2D mode.
Bounding boxes for 3D sets are shown in 2D mode (when not in Preview mode).
The preferences file excerpt below shows these preference settings in the last two lines of the CADprocess Preferences section.
# CADprocess Preferences:
CADprocess_3DProjectionFlags: 16962
CADprocess_SmoothValue: 50
CADprocess_ThickPen: 1
CADprocess_ThinPen: 3
CADprocess_Resolution: 72
CADprocess_ShadedLevel: 1
CADprocess_RenderSmoothAngle: 60
CADprocess_TesselAccuracy: 50
CADprocess_Show3DProjectionDialog: 1
CADprocess_TransformInvisible3DSubObjects: 0
CADprocess_Show3DsetBoundingBox: 0