Arbortext IsoView > Programmer's Reference > Animation Functions > GetAnimationSequenceName
Gets information about an enumerated animation sequence. It returns a string, seqName; the name of this sequence.
After an illustration loads, the animation sequences it contains are in an unsorted order. This order will not change unless it is explicitly forced to by another method such as ConvertAnimationMetadata. (See ConvertAnimationMetadata.)
The results of GetAnimationObjectID, GetAnimationSequenceName and GetAnimationFlags are only aligned if you use the same index. (See GetAnimationObjectID, GetAnimationSequenceName, and GetAnimationFlags.)
Introduced with Arbortext IsoView 7.1.
Picks the sequence of interest. The value can be 0 or any positive number less than the result of CountAnimations. (See CountAnimations.)
See the example for GetAnimationFlags.