Arbortext IsoDraw > Data Exchange Reference > Image File Formats > XCF > Exported XCF Example File Listing
Exported XCF Example File Listing
An example listing of an XCF exported from an Arbortext IsoDraw file is shown below. You can use a text editor to modify any of the text content in this file. However, be careful not to change any XML markup or any attribute values that correspond to ISO element object IDs or Names. Doing so might invalidate the XML markup, or cause your text changes to be ignored or assigned incorrectly when you apply the modified XCF to an ISO file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<webcgm version="2.0" xmlns=""
<isodraw:textContent apsid="AUTOID_14">Overall Length 172mm
<isodraw:textContent apsid="AUTOID_101">Width 23mm Typical 4 places
<isodraw:textContent apsid="AUTOID_96">Thread Bore Depth 5mm
<bindById apsid="LINE_OBJECT-1"
screentip="Click here to select line object #1"/>
<bindById apsid="RECTANGLE_OBJECT-4"
screentip="Click here to select rectangle object #4"/>
<bindById apsid="INNER_THREAD_OBJECT-1"
screentip="Click here to select inner thread object #1"/>
<bindById apsid="POLYGON_OBJECT_3"
screentip="Click here to select polygon object #3"/>
Example isodraw:textContent XML Elements
This example has three isodraw:textContent XML elements bound to three Callout elements in the source ISO file. The Callout elements have automatically-generated object IDs, indicated by the values of their apsid attribute: AUTOID_14, AUTOID_101, and AUTOID_96.
The text content for each Callout element (from the values of Prefix, Text, and Postfix in the Callout element info dialog box) appears between the isodraw:textContent start and end tags. For example, Overall Length 172mm in:
<isodraw:textContent apsid="AUTOID_14">Overall Length 172mm
If an ISO Text or Callout element has a manually-entered object ID, an object_info XML element will appear in the XCF in addition to the isodraw:textContent XML element.
object_info XML elements are not created for ISO Text or Callout elements that have automatically-generated object IDs.
Example object_info XML Elements
The example XCF above has four object_info XML elements named bindById. Their binding type is by object ID. They are bound to Line, Rectangle, Inner Thread, and Polygon ISO elements in the source ISO file.
The four ISO elements have manually entered object IDs, indicated by the values of their apsid attribute: LINE_OBJECT-1, RECTANGLE_OBJECT-4, INNER_THREAD_OBJECT-1, and POLYGON_OBJECT_3.
The four bindById XML elements also include Object tip text as values for their screentip attribute; for example, Click here to select polygon object #3 in:
<bindById apsid="POLYGON_OBJECT_3"
screentip="Click here to select polygon object #3"/>