Saving Files
It is important that source files, converted, and edited files are kept separate by being saved in different folders.
It is especially important for placed files that the folder structure is set up before work is started and that it remains unaltered. The path must remain intact in order that Arbortext IsoDraw CADprocess can find the updated source files.
You can use the Placed File dialog box to update the source file path for every Arbortext IsoDraw file.
When large amounts of data are involved and when more than one user is to access it, it is especially useful to save files on a server. All data is then available in one place and can be backed up easily.
When a large amount of data is to be managed and particularly when several users are to work with the files, it is recommended that a database be used. This enables user rights to be set up, thereby protecting data. For example, you could specify that only the CAD designer is authorized to replace source files.