Arbortext IsoDraw > Extensions > BOM XML Reference > BOM XML File Tasks > Editing a Linked BOM XML File to Update Illustration Callouts
Editing a Linked BOM XML File to Update Illustration Callouts
When you generate callouts from a BOM XML file, you can optionally link it to the illustration file. If you do, you can change illustration callout and object information by editing the BOM XML file. When you save your changes in the linked BOM XML file, callout and object information in the illustration file are updated to match the changes. Follow the steps below to update an illustration by editing its linked BOM XML file.
1. If your BOM XML file is not linked to the illustration, follow the instructions in To Generate Callouts from a BOM XML. In the Create callouts dialog box, select your BOM XML file, and then select Link BOM to illustration. Click OK. Your BOM XML file is now linked to the illustration file.
2. If one or more BOM XML files are currently linked to the illustration—and if any of those linked files contain callouts you want to update—you must break the links to those files before you can link your BOM XML file.
You can only link multiple BOM XML files to an illustration if each one defines a unique set of callouts in the illustration.
3. To break an existing BOM XML file link, perform the steps below. (You can also follow these steps to change the link update method.)
a. In the Window menu, click Show attribute window.
b. In the attribute window, click Placed Files, and then select the BOM XML in the Placed Files list.
c. Click the arrow at the top right corner of the Placed Files list, and then click Edit. The Placed File dialog box opens.
d. (Optional) Select the Update method, Automatic, Notify when changed, or No update.
e. To break the existing link, click Break link, and then click OK.
The table below show the elements and attributes in the BOM XML file that correspond to callout and object information in the illustration.
Illustration File
Callout text
<item> element callout Name attribute
Object information (only for objects that have callouts):
Object tip
<instance> element:
isoID attribute
isoName attribute
isoTip attribute
Suppose you want to update callout text for several callouts without editing the illustration directly. Open the linked BOM XML file in a text editor and change the calloutName attribute for the corresponding callout <item> elements. When you save your changes in the linked BOM XML file, callout text in the illustration updates to match the new calloutName values for the corresponding callouts.