Service Group Administration > Preferences (Service Group Administration)
Preferences (Service Group Administration)
The Preferences utility for service groups allows service group administrators to view and set preferences for the service group, such as search results limits, date format, and other system behaviors. Launch the Preferences utility by clicking Preferences on the administration home page.
Preferences set by a service group administrator apply only to that service group.
Preferences are grouped by categories, according to the type of functionality that they affect. Use the expand icon and collapse icon next to the category names to display and hide the preferences in each category. From the table toolbar, use the expand-all icon to show all preferences in every category, and the collapse-all icon to hide all preferences in the table, leaving only the categories visible.
Within a category, each preference is named and described, and the current value of the preference is displayed. To change the preference value, click the edit icon next to the preference. From the edit view, you can:
Set the preference value, and click the checkmark icon to save the change.
Click Revert to default to set the preference back to the system default value.
Click the close icon to close the edit view without saving any changes.
Preferences can be locked to prevent the preference setting from being overridden elsewhere within the application. The locked icon indicates locked preferences. By default, all preferences are unlocked, indicated by an unlocked icon . Clicking the icon changes the lock status for the preference.
Preferences locked by the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery administrator are read-only at the service group level.