Service Group Administration
Service Group Administration
The administration home page provides administrators access to the administrative utilities. Launch the administration home page using the following URL: http://<hostname>:<port>/InService/delivery/scadmin.jsp. For more information, see Launching PTC Arbortext Content Delivery.
Administrators for individual service groups have access to the following utilities from the administration home page:
Allows the service group administrator to set preferences for their service group behavior. Some preferences can be locked by the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery administrator, and read-only at the service group level.
Allows the service group administrator to grant privileges and control access to parts and service information for different user communities within the service group.
Allows the service group administrator to view the license configuration settings for the service group, enter installation keys provided during activation of offline systems, and generate configuration files for manually activating offline systems.
Allows the service group administrator to add and delete users from their service group.
Click a utility button to launch that utility. From within any administrative utility, return to the administration home page in one of the following ways:
Click the service group name in the upper right of the interface
Click the administration link in the navigation bread crumbs
The following actions are available from the menu icon :
Choose a Service Group—Allows the administrator to switch between individual service groups to which they have access. Select from the list of available service groups in the Choose a Service Group window.
Export Service Groups—Generates a report summarizing information of the users, profiles, and offline licenses within the service group. Edit the file name for the report as needed, and click Save. The default file name is ServiceGroups_<datestamp>.xls. For more information, see Reports.
About—Displays the software copyright and PTC Arbortext Content Delivery build information.
Help—Open the administration help.
Changing the Language
The PTC Arbortext Content Delivery user interface is available in multiple languages. To change the language in which the interface is displayed, click the language name displayed at the top of the interface. From the list of available languages, click the desired language.
Linking Directly to a Service Group
You can specify a particular service group in the URL used to connect to the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery application, for example in a bookmark or as a shortcut link from a website to the service group. This bypasses the need for users affiliated with more than one service group to select a service group when accessing PTC Arbortext Content Delivery by automatically binding the user session to the specified service group.
To specify a service group as part of the URL used to launch PTC Arbortext Content Delivery, add ?dealer=service_group_name to the end of the URL. For example, assume that the URL used to launch PTC Arbortext Content Delivery is, and your service group is named MyDealer. The full URL to link directly to the MyDealer service group is: