TAL a Part-to-Part Relationship Bundle
In addition to bundles published from the content authored in Windchill Service Information Manager, you can also TAL bundles containing third party content, such as part-to-part relationships.
Part-to-part relationships are contained in SAP bundles. This type of bundle does not require any special handling. A bundle contains a manifest file named BUNDLE.mf. PTC Arbortext Content Delivery can recognize an SAP bundle from the information in that file and TAL the bundle accordingly.
Following is an excerpt from the BUNDLE.mf file that identifies an SAP bundle:
Bundle-Id: SAP-000001
Bundle-Category: SAP
Bundle-type: full/incremental
Bundle-Version: 1.0
Bundle-source: SAP
Bundle-Publish-Date: 11/09/2014 00:00:00
family-Name: All
The Bundle-Category setting in the file identifies this as an SAP bundle.
Configuring Part Relations
To configure part relations for third party content in an SAP bundle, you must add a file named relatedParts.dat to the bundle. That file must contain a series of lines that provide the required information for the part relationship. Following is part of an line from this file:
0000019474 AMP_Org supersession AMP_Org 0000014770 [...]
The following parts of the line define the part relationship:
• 0000019474 – the source part
• AMP_Org – the organization name
• supersession – the part relationship
You can define the following relationships:
◦ supersession – supersession
◦ xref – cross reference
◦ alternate – alternate
• 0000014770 – the target part
When you load the bundle containing the relatedParts.dat file, the specified part relationships appear in the user interface.
For CSV bundles, part relationships are defined n the
part_relations.csv file. Refer to
CSV File Format for more information about this file.