PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing Languages and Locales > Customizing the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Product Language > rbInfo Resource Bundles > Entries
The following entries can be used in .rbInfo files:
The <key>.value= entry is required, the others are optional. However, you are strongly encouraged to use the .comment and .argComment<n> entries to provide context information for the translators. The .constant can be used to define a symbolic constant for this string; you can use this constant in your Java source file as an alias of the key name.
For obvious reasons, an entry type can be used only once for a key. The following piece of code is incorrect:
1.value=Press any key to continue
1.comment=This message is displayed
1.comment=in the command line, when
1.comment=the program waits for user input