PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing Languages and Locales > Customizing the PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Product Language > rbInfo Resource Bundles
rbInfo Resource Bundles
The rbInfo files are converted to an intermediate .java file, which is in fact a resource bundle file, equivalent to the java file of the traditional process. This intermediate file is compiled to a class file. For the advanced rbInfo formats, a more complicated approach is taken. Metadata and enumerated type rbInfo files are first compiled to class files, then these class files are instantiated and their run- time state of the created objects are serialized into .ser files. These serialized files are loaded by your Java application, instead of the class file. The benefit of this arrangement is that the code does not have to spend time on creating the actual resource object from the class file, because the serialized format is a 'snapshot image' of an already existing object.