PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing Printing > The PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Book Print > IE XML Localization
IE XML Localization
In addition to the localized strings in folder Global, the IE XML styling consults XLIFF files to embed localized strings (such as WARNING, CAUTION and so on) for the languages supported by default. These strings are inserted by the IE XML stylesheet using named template search that looks-up language-specific XLIFF files located in a subfolder of the IE XML stylesheet folder in path XLIFF/locale/<language-code> where <language-code> is the language code for the IE XML or one of the default languages (such as en-US, fr, etc).
The lookup uses a convention whereby the localized string is associated to a unique ID whose value is the corresponding English string all in lower-case and without any punctuation, for example “How to Avoid:" gets assigned the ID howtoavoid.
For each language PTC Arbortext Content Delivery will consult two XLIFF files looking for the provided id, in following order:
The template call returns the result of the first successful match in these two files in the current locale, failing that it will try to retrieve the en-US string value from LocaleSpecificMappings.xlf, and lastly default to the fallback string str supplied in the named template call itself.
This allows customization to extend the set of localized strings within the set of default languages through a custom XLIFF file and stylesheet customization. This prioritization is done as template search first consults the (optional) custom XLIFF file CustomLocaleSpecificMappings.xlf and secondly the default XLIFF file LocaleSpecificMappings.xlf.
For information on how to extend the set of XLIFF files for additional languages beyond those supported by default, see Localizing XLIFFs.