PTC Arbortext Content Delivery Customization > Customizing Languages and Locales > Localizing XLIFFs
Localizing XLIFFs
This section details the customization steps to support localized strings in the DITA IEXMLs in addition to the OOTB languages that are already supported. This allows you to update any dependent documentation.
Localizable Strings
These are strings that are inserted into the rendered content as part of styling the DITA IEXML markup. If a locale is missing, which means that no XLIFF exists or a translation is not defined, the US English strings are inserted as fallback.
Currently the following strings are localized in the IEXML stylesheet:
Procedure Steps:
Hazard Type:
How to avoid:
If Yes:
If No:
Copyright Year:
Copyright Holder:
Product Name:
Product Version:
Serial Number:
Post requisite:
Localizing Strings
Identify the strings that are needed to be localized. You would also follow this process when any new strings are added to the stylesheet.
1. Assign the string a unique id value. This can be the string all in lowercase and without any special characters.
For example "How to Avoid:" gets assigned the ID howtoavoid.
2. Update the base English XLIFF translation file
3. Provide the base XLIFF translation file to your localization team, so that they can provide translations in context.
When Adding a New Language
1. Update the <InserviceInstallation>\Work\System\Work\Assets\Scripts\DefaultNewIEXMLScript.xsl file.
For every language, there is a separate node (AddSources in the DefaultNewIEXMLScript.xsl file which copies the files in the segments. So, for a new language you must write a new AddSources node.
2. Provide your translation team with the base XLIFF translation file so that they can provide translations for the new language.