Update the platform-settings.json ThingWorx Configuration File
If you are configuring your ThingWorx application as a Resource Server (and not as the client application), the steps in this section are not required.
1. Stop the ThingWorx server.
2. From the <ThingWorx Installation Folder>\ThingworxPlatform directory, open the platform-settings.json file.
3. Update the AuthorizationServersSettings component as follows:
AuthorizationServerId – Update this ID.
clientId – Enter the Client Identifier that you copied to a text file in Step 4 of Configure ThingWorx to be a Server Application (client) in Application Groups.
clientSecret – Enter the Secret you copied in Step 5 of Configure ThingWorx to be a Server Application (client) in Application Groups.
authorizeUri – Enter a value in the following format:
tokenUri – Enter a value in the following format:
mandatoryScopes – Enter any value that is not defined in the list of scopes on the AD FS server.
For more information, see Configure the platform-settings.json File in the ThingWorx Help Center.
4. Start the ThingWorx server.
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