Configure ThingWorx for SSO
1. Before beginning to configure ThingWorx for SSO, stop the ThingWorx server.
◦ In
Add the IdP Metadata File – Copy the
FederationMetadata.xml file, that you downloaded during the
Prerequisites, to the
<ThingWorx Installation Folder>/ThingworxPlatform/ssoSecurityConfig folder. Rename the file as
▪ metadataEntityId – Use the
Relying Party Trust Identifier value you created in Step 9 of the
Add Relying Party Trusts procedure.
▪ samlAssertionUserNameAttributeName – Enter the following value:
4. Import the AD FS Signing certificate, that was exported during the
Export the AD FS Signing Certificate procedure, into
<ThingWorx Installation Folder>/ThingworxPlatform/ssoSecurityConfig/sso-keystore.jks.
5. Start the ThingWorx server.
6. Verify that the AD FS authentication has been configured properly by using the appropriate credentials to log into ThingWorx Composer as the Administrator user.