Expanded Event Log Mashup
This mashup is designed to be easily replaced with a customized mashup so long as the customized mashup has the same inputs and outputs. For more information, see Replacing Modular Mashups.
The expanded event log mashup (PTC.ProductionDashboard.ExpandedEventLog_MU) displays the expanded view of the event log. In the expanded view you can view loss events for the past 24 hours, loss events with alerts for the past 24 hours, or all loss events for the past 12 days, depending on the filter settings. You can also view only scrap events for the past week, and add historical scrap events. Events that were entered through data automation are indicated with an asterisk ( * ). Click Filter to open the filter pane, where you can change the event view and apply filters to narrow down the list of events that are displayed. Click Collapse Log to return to the collapsed event log view.
The Production Dashboard main page with a red rectangle indicating the expanded event log mashup.
The PTC.ProductionDashboard.ExpandedEventLog_MU mashup uses the following widgets:
Multiple Label widgets for text strings.
A DropDown widget for selecting the view order: All Events (24 hours), Alerts Only (24 hours), All Events (12 days).
Multiple Button widgets:
For the Add Historical Scrap Event action.
For the Collapse Log action.
Multiple Contained Mashup widgets:
For displaying either the empty view mashup (PTC.ProductionDashboard.NoEventLogs_MU), or the expanded event log mashup (PTC.ProductionDashboard.ExpandedEventLogGrid_MU).
For the Filters pane mashup (PTC.ProductionDashboard.ExpandedEventLogFilters_MU).
The input parameters for the PTC.ProductionDashboard.ExpandedEventLog_MU are:
collapseFilterPanel—When the Apply or Reset button is clicked, this parameter triggers the collapse of the filter panel.
triggerGetEventLogDataService—When the Apply button is clicked on the Filter pane, this parameter triggers the GetEventLogDataInfo service to re-query the data.
triggerSort—When the sort icon for a column is clicked, this parameter triggers the GetEventLogDataInfo service to re-query the data.
triggerPaginatedData—When a number in the pagination widget is clicked, this parameter triggers the GetEventLogDataInfo service to re-query the data.
timeZone—The time zone for the site to which the selected work center belongs.
eventLogUpdateTimestamp—The timestamp for the most recent loss event, availability event, or production event that is entered for the pacemaker of the selected work center. When this timestamp changes, the event log updates.
workCenterThingName—The Thing name of the selected work center.
thingName—The Thing name of the pacemaker for the selected work center.
manager—The manager from which the dynamic services on this mashup are run.
collapseLog—A flag indicating whether the event log is in the collapsed view or the expanded view.
The output parameters for the PTC.ProductionDashboard.ExpandedEventLog_MU are:
collapseFilterPanel—When the Apply or Reset button is clicked, this parameter triggers the collapse of the filter panel.
triggerGetEventLogDataService—When the Apply button is clicked on the Filter pane, this parameter triggers the GetEventLogDataInfo service to re-query the data.
triggerSort—When the sort icon for a column is clicked, this parameter triggers the GetEventLogDataInfo service to re-query the data.
triggerPaginatedData—When a number in the pagination widget is clicked, this parameter triggers the GetEventLogDataInfo service to re-query the data.
collapseLog—A flag indicating whether the event log is in the collapsed view or the expanded view.
The mashup uses the following dynamic services from the PTC.ProductionDashboard.Management_TS Thing Shape:
GetActiveFilters—Retrieves the filters that are currently applied to the event log and returns a comma-separated list of the filter names to display in the Active Filters field.
GetDefaultFilters—Retrieves the default filters for the event log.
GetEventLogDataInfo—Retrieves the events to display in the event log.
GetEventLogDataInfoCount—Retrieves the number of events.
Dynamic services allow you to select the entity to execute a service at runtime. In this case, the service can be executed from any entity that implements the PTC.ProductionDashboard.Management_TS Thing Shape. For more information, see Dynamic Services in the Mashup Builder section of the ThingWorx Platform Help Center.
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