Production Dashboard Building Block
The Production Dashboard building block provides the console for:
• Selecting a work center and starting, stopping, and resuming production on that work center.
• Manually adding production counts and loss events to the current production block and to finished production blocks.
• Accounting for time loss for both the current and completed production blocks.
• Accepting automated data.
• Viewing dynamically generated job order summary and OEE information for the current job order and production block.
• Viewing loss event logs from the current production block and the past 24 hours.
• Adding historical scrap and viewing scrap events for the past week.
For more information on using the Production Dashboard tool, see
Production Dashboard.
The Production Dashboard building block is comprised of a single user interface building block (PTC.ProductionDashboard). You can view the contents of the building block by viewing the PTC.ProductionDashboard project in ThingWorx Composer.
The PTC.ProductionDashboard project has the following dependencies:
• PTC.Base
• PTC.OperationKPI