Automation Support (Production Dashboard Building Block)
The following properties found on pacemaker work unit Things take part in automation support for the Production Dashboard:
• isConnected—Indicates whether the pacemaker is connected or disconnected.
• PTCAutomationMessage—Stores messages generated during automation processing and triggers the message window to display after automation processing is complete.
• PTCDisconnectivitySupported—Determines whether or not to hide the connected or disconnected message.
• PTCJobOrderUidUpdateTimestamp—Refreshes the Production Dashboard after a job order is started or stopped.
PTCLastEventTimestamp—Depending on type of the last processed event, triggers the refresh of certain parts of the Production Dashboard, such as the Job Order Summary pane, the scrap count, good count, Event Log, and so on.
• PTCLastExpiredProductionBlockUid—Points to the last expired production block.
• PTCLastProcessedEventTimestamp—Updates the Last Updated time shown on the Job Order Summary pane.
• PTCLastProductionBlockEndTimestamp—Triggers the Confirm Stop Production window, and updates the Production Accounting chart.
• PTCMashupHeartbeat—Checks whether the monitored pacemaker Thing is connected or not.
For more information, see
Setting Up Data Automation.