An activity defined as part of a continuous improvement process to reduce production losses and track performance improvements over time.
Actual Cycle Time
The time it takes to produce one unit of material. This value is calculated for each material produced by a work center.
A functional grouping of work centers within a factory. Also known as a department. A level in the equipment hierarchy.
The historical loss rate for a piece of equipment and loss reason over a specified date range.
Best Demonstrated Speed
The fastest cycle time seen in practice for a given material run across a specific work center. The best demonstrated speed is used to inform the ideal cycle time.
A calendar defines a repeating pattern of days in which different work schedules are run. Each day can be assigned its own schedule.
The process of changing a work center or work unit setup in order to accommodate a different material.
Demand Window
A period of time during which production demand can be scheduled.
The entire company, including all factories across the globe. Also known as a corporation or a company. The top level of the equipment hierarchy.
Ideal Cycle Time
The ideal time to produce one unit of material. This value is configured on each work center which produces the material.
Job Order
An order to build a specified quantity of a material. Also known as a work order, lot, production order, or process order.
Loss Category
A category used to organize loss events. Loss categories map to top-level nodes in a reason tree. The loss categories provided with DPM include: Planned Downtime, Unplanned Downtime, Changeovers, Speed Loss, Small Stops, Scrap, and Unknown.
Loss Event
An event that results in lost time or lost production.
Machine Code
A code generated by a work unit that defines its state or behavior. Used in data automation, a machine code is mapped to a reason code so that DPM can log the appropriate type of event.
A part or product being produced by an individual work center. Also known as an item, work-in-progress (WIP), or SKU.
A performance indicator that is used to analyze and track the performance of one or more pieces of equipment.
Time spent in production that is outside of a scheduled shift.
The work unit that sets the production pace for a work center. The pacemaker is typically the slowest work unit in the work center.
Pareto Chart
A graph displaying both the frequency of losses and their cumulative effect.
Planned Downtime
Within a shift, time that is scheduled for a work center to not be in use. This could be for planned maintenance, breaks, or other purposes.
Production Block
A defined period of production for which operators are asked to account for the materials that are produced and for any time loss.
Reason Tree
A drill-down definition of reason codes under various categories in order to standardize the definition of loss event reasons for any event impacting a work unit.
A geographic collection of factories. A level in the equipment hierarchy.
Produced goods that do not meet quality standards. Also known as quality loss.
A recurring, scheduled timeframe in which work occurs.
Shift Schedule
A defined schedule of shifts and work activities for a given day.
The entire operation at a single location. Also known as a factory or a facility.
Speed Loss
A loss in efficiency while the work unit is still operational.
The time required to produce a unit of material in order to meet customer demand.
Individual step or activity performed to complete an action.
Time Normalized OEE
A representation of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) using ideal cycle time to normalize all losses into the common unit of time in order to better understand relative impact.
Unaccounted Time Loss
Time loss from a production block that has not yet been accounted for.
Waterfall Analysis
An analysis tool used to represent time loss across different categories in order to see the relative impact of each category of loss as well as their aggregated overall impact on production effectiveness.
World Class OEE
The minimum OEE for which companies should strive based on industry standards and lean best practices.
Work Center
A collection of work units performing different tasks to output a common material. A level in the equipment hierarchy. Also known as a line or work cell.
Work Unit
A single work station against which loss events and production are being tracked. A level in the equipment hierarchy. Also known as a machine, asset, or piece of equipment.