Key Services (Administration Building Block)
You can view all services in this building block on the Services page of the PTC.AdminConfigurationImpl.Manager Thing.
The following services are defined on the PTC.AdminConfiguration.Management_TS Thing Shape:
• AddCalendarAssignments—Adds a link between the selected model and calendar.
• AddCalendarInfoToSession—Adds the selected calendar data into a session.
• AddCalendars—Adds one or more new calendars.
• AddDayInCalendar—Adds information for a day into an existing calendar.
• AddEquipmentAssignments—Creates a new relationship object between a piece of equipment and a reason tree.
• AddMaterialMasters—Adds one or more new material masters.
• AddMaterialReasonTreeLinks—Adds links between materials and reason trees.
• AssignReasonCodesToMachineCodes—Assigns a reason code to a machine code.
• AddReasonIfNotExists—Validates whether a reason with a given name exists. If not, it creates a reason with that name.
• AddReasonTree—Creates a reason tree.
• AddReasonTreeNode—Creates a reason tree node.
• AddShifts—Creates the specified shifts, and validates that no overlapping shifts result from adding the shifts.
• AddShiftSchedules—Creates the specified shift schedules.
• BulkAssignmentOfJobOrder—Assigns job orders to equipment in bulk.
• CalculateActualCycleTimeFrequency—Returns the number of occurrences and percentage of the cycle times that are within the specified frequency percentage, plus or minis, of the specified actual cycle time.
• CreateJobOrder—Creates a job order.
• CreateDuplicate—Creates duplicate job orders.
• DeleteCalendarDayRepeating—Removes the last calendar day from the calendar, and validates that no overlapping shifts result from removing the calendar day.
• DisableMaterialMaster—Disables the specified material master.
• DisableReasonTree—Disables the selected reason tree.
• EnableDisableReasonTreeNode—Enables or disables a reason tree node and its children.
• EnableMaterialMaster—Enables the specified material master.
• EnableReasonTree—Enables the selected reason tree.
• GetAllMaterials—Retrieves information for all the materials, their unit of measure, and the material class.
• GetBestDemonstratedSpeed—Returns the best demonstrated speed for an equipment model and material pair.
• GetCalendarAssignments—Retrieves the calendar assignments.
• GetCalendarAssignedToModel—Retrieves the calendar assigned to the piece of equipment.
• GetCalendarList—Retrieves the list of calendars.
• GetCalendarData—Retrieves the calendar information.
• GetCalendarDays—Retrieves the calendar days of the selected calendar.
• GetCalendarDaysRepeatings—Retrieves information for one or more calendar days.
• GetEditJobOrderNumber—Retrieves the number of the job order.
• GetEditJobOrderStatus—Retrieves the status drop-down data.
• GetEquipmentDetails—Retrieves the details of a piece of equipment. For example, the UID, the name, and the type of equipment.
• GetEquipmentHierarchyForShift—Retrieves the equipment hierarchy in a tree structure.
• GetHierarchyChildData—Retrieves information for all children of a parent.
• GetHierarchyData—Retrieves the equipment hierarchy information.
• GetHistoricalCycleTimeList—Returns the historical list of actual cycle times that are faster than the ideal cycle time for a material produced by a specific equipment model.
• GetHistoricalDate—Returns the earliest date for which historical cycle times will be retrieved, based on the number of months that is configured to display.
• GetIdealCycleTime—Retrieves the ideal cycle time for the given equipment model and material pair.
• GetInheritedReasonTrees—Retrieves the list of inherited reason trees for the given piece of equipment. It does not include reason trees directly related to the equipment.
• GetJobOrderData—Retrieves the list of job orders and their information.
• GetJobOrderList—Retrieves the job order list based on a filter and job order id.
• GetJobOrderNumber—Retrieves the job order number that is stored in the session.
• GetJobOrdersAssignedToModel—Retrieves the job orders that are assigned to a model.
• GetJobSummary—Retrieves the job summary data.
• GetMachineCodesForSettings—Retrieves the list of machine codes.
• GetMaterialAssignments—Retrieves the list of work centers, reason trees, and job orders that are assigned to a material.
• GetMaterialsByReasonTree—Returns the materials that are linked to the specified reason tree.
• GetMaterialConfigurationList—Retrieves the list of all materials.
• GetMaterialDetails—Returns the details for a given material UID.
• GetMaterialsForSite—Retrieves the list of materials for a site.
• GetModelFromSite—Retrieves the model from the site.
• GetModelNameString—Retrieves the name of the selected model.
• GetModelType—Retrieves the type of a given model.
• GetModelUid—Retrieves the UID for a given model.
• GetPacemakerWorkUnit—Retrieves the pacemaker work unit for a work center.
• GetReasonCategory—Retrieves the name of the reason category that is associated with the given UID.
• GetReasonCategories—Returns the list of all the reason categories in the system.
• GetReasonsChildNodes—Retrieves all the children of the selected reason category, the reason tree, or the reason.
• GetReasonHierarchyChildData—Retrieves information for the child nodes of the reason tree.
• GetReasonHierarchy—Retrieves the first node reason tree hierarchy.
• GetReasonHierarchyRoots—Retrieves the list of all the reason categories.
• GetReasonTreesAssignedToEquipment—Retrieves the reason trees that are assigned to a piece of equipment.
• GetReasonTreeAssignments—Retrieves the equipment and material assignments for the reason tree.
• GetReasonTreeData—Retrieves the reason tree information.
• GetReasonTreeList—Returns the list of reason trees.
• GetReasonTreeWithNodes—Retrieves a reason tree and its nodes.
• GetRegion—Retrieves the region that can produce the selected material in its work centers.
• GetShiftsByShiftSchedule—Retrieves information for all of the shifts in a shift schedule.
• GetShiftSchedule—Retrieves information for a shift schedule.
• GetShiftScheduleDetails—Retrieves the shift schedule of calendar days.
• GetShiftScheduleDetailsData—Retrieves the shift data for shift schedule.
• GetShiftSchedules—Retrieves information for one or more shift schedules.
• GetShiftSchedulesWithNumberOfShifts—Retrieves information for all shift schedules and their associated shifts.
• GetSiteConfiguration—Retrieves the configuration of a site.
• GetSiteSettings—Retrieves the default site settings for a piece of equipment.
• GetWorkUnits—Retrieves the list of work units in a work center.
• HideJobOrderFromHistoricalList—Hides the specified job order execution response from the historical list.
• RemoveEquipmentAssignments—Removes selected assignments from selected reason tree.
• RemoveReasonTreeAssignments—Removes selected reason tree assignments from selected material.
• RemoveCalendarAssignments—Removes calendar assignments.
• UpdateCalendars—Updates information for one or more calendars.
• UpdateCalendarDayRepeatings—Updates one or more calendar days and validates that no overlapping shifts result from the updates.
• UpdateJobOrder—Updates the job order.
• UpdateMaterialAddedToEquipment—Updates the list of materials when a material is added to a piece of equipment.
• UpdateMaterialMasters—Updates one or more material masters by UID.
• UpdateReasonTree—Updates a reason tree.
• UpdateShifts—Updates one or more shifts and validates that no overlapping shifts result from the updates.
• UpdateShiftSchedules—Updates one or more shift schedules.
• UpdateSiteConfiguration—Updates the configuration information for a site.
• ValidateUniqueJobOrder—Validates that a job order is unique.