Filtering Action Tracker
When you initially load Action Tracker, all actions appear in the action list and the Total Loss Hours chart is blank. By applying filters, you can narrow down the list of which actions are displayed in the actions list and determine what content is displayed in the chart. The actions list displays those actions which satisfy all of the applied filter selections. When the Equipment and Date Range filters are applied, the Total Loss Hours chart displays the total loss hours each day for the specified equipment and date range. Select and apply one or more loss categories to further filter the information that is shown in the chart. Status and owner filter selections do not impact the chart.
To apply filters, complete the following steps:
1. In the Filters pane, select the appropriate filter values. All filters are optional.
◦ Date Range—Select a date range to see all actions whose Action Duration starts, ends, or occurs during the selected date range.
◦ Equipment—Select the work center or work unit for which you want to see actions. Actions directly related to the selected equipment are shown. If a work center is selected, actions related to work units in that work center are not shown in the actions list. The Total Loss Hours chart is only populated when this filter is applied.
◦ Loss Category—Select one or more loss categories for which you want to see actions: Scrap, Planned Downtime, Unplanned Downtime, Changeover, Speed Loss, Small Stops. All actions with loss reasons that are associated with the selected loss categories are shown.
◦ Status—Select a status to filter for actions with that status: Not Started, In Progress, At Risk, Overdue, and Complete.
◦ Owner—Select an action owner to filter for actions with that owner.
2. Click Apply. The actions list displays those actions which satisfy all of the applied filter selections.
Click Reset to clear all selected filter selections and reset the actions list.