Key Services (Manufacturing Model Building Block)
The manufacturing model building block contains CRUD services for the manufacturing model database tables, as well as validations that check the data before inserting it into the database table. The manager also contains services that can add models of a specified type to the equipment hierarchy, under another specific type. For example, AddAreaToSite will add an area model to a site model.
The following key services are found on the PTC.MfgModelImpl.Manager Thing:
• GetBusinessUnitEntityTreeChildrenForNode—Retrieves the next level tree for the network based on the name of the parent Thing. If the business unit unique identifier is specified, then any sites in the result that are not part of the business unit are excluded.
• GetBusinessUnitEntityTreeRoot—Retrieves the first level tree for the network. If the business unit unique identifier is specified, then any sites in the result that are not part of the business unit are excluded.
• GetEntityTreeNodeBreadcrumb—Retrieves the breadcrumb for the node of the specified network.
• GetModelPathToParent—Retrieves the model path to the parent.
• GetModelTargetOEE—Retrieves the target OEE of a model.
• GetRootNodeFromChild—Retrieves the root node from the child unique identifier.
You can view all services for this building block on the Services page of the PTC.MfgModelImpl.Manager Thing.