Implementation Model (Manufacturing Model Building Block)
The following diagram shows the relationships between the main Thing Shapes, Thing Templates, and Things in the manufacturing model building block, and their relationships with entities in other building blocks.
In the diagram, arrows with hollow heads and solid lines (
) indicate that an entity extends from the entity to which the arrow points, arrows with hollow heads and dashed lines (
) indicate that an entity implements the entity to which the arrow points, and arrows with open heads and dashed lines (
) indicate that an entity has a dependency upon services on the entity to which the arrow points.
The significant entities in the manufacturing model building block include the following:
• PTC.MfgModel—Project entity for the manufacturing model abstract building block. Used to package and contain all building block entities.
In the PTC.MfgModel project:
◦ PTC.MfgModel.EntryPoint—Entry point Thing for the manufacturing model building block. Used to manage deployment for the manufacturing model building block.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.EntryPoint_TT—Thing Template for the manufacturing model entry point. Inherits from the PTC.Base.ComponentEntryPoint_TT Thing Template. Contains services to allow the building block to be deployed and configured.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.DefaultEnterprise_TT—Default Thing Template for an enterprise. This is the default Thing Template used for enterprise Things created by the model management building block.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.DefaultRegion_TT—Default Thing Template for a region. This is the default Thing Template used for region Things created by model management.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.DefaultSite_TT—Default Thing Template for a site. This is the default Thing Template used for site Things created by model management.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.DefaultArea_TT—Default Thing Template for an area. This is the default Thing Template used for area Things created by model management.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.DefaultWorkcenter_TT—Default Thing Template for a work center. This is the default Thing Template used for work center Things created by model management.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.DefaultWorkunit_TT—Default Thing Template for a work unit. This is the default Thing Template used for work unit Things created by model management.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.Manager_TT—Manager Thing Template. Contains implementation for the PTC.MfgModel.Management_TS Thing Shape.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.AreaModelLogic_TS—Thing Shape for an area. This Thing Shape is the default area Thing Shape implemented on the default area Thing Template.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.EnterpriseModelLogic_TS—Thing Shape for an enterprise. This Thing Shape is the default enterprise Thing Shape implemented on the default enterprise Thing Template.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.Management_TS—Manager Thing Shape for the manufacturing model building block. Contains any service definitions for services in the manufacturing model.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.ModelLogic_TS—Thing Shape for model logic. Used to give individual models access to manufacturing model functions.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.RegionModelLogic_TS—Thing Shape for a region. This Thing Shape is the default region Thing Shape implemented on the default region Thing Template.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.SiteModelLogic_TS—Thing Shape for a site. This Thing Shape is the default site Thing Shape implemented on the default site Thing Template.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.TreeSelectorManagement_TS—Thing Shape that holds the tree selector services.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.WorkcenterModelLogic_TS—Thing Shape for a work center. This Thing Shape is the default work center Thing Shape implemented on the default work center Thing Template.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.WorkunitModelLogic_TS—Thing Shape for a work unit. This Thing Shape is the default work unit Thing Shape implemented on the default work unit Thing Template.
◦ PTC.MfgModel.EquipmentSelector_MU—Mashup for selecting equipment from an hierarchy list.
• PTC.MfgModelImpl—Project entity for the manufacturing model implementation building block. Used to package and contain all building block entities.
In the PTC.MfgModelImpl project:
◦ PTC.MfgModelImpl.EntryPoint—Entry point Thing for the manufacturing model implementation building block. Used to manage deployment for the manufacturing model implementation building block.
◦ PTC.MfgModelImpl.Manager—Manager Thing for the manufacturing model implementation building block. Used to execute manager level services on the building block that are defined by the PTC.MfgModel.Management_TS Thing Shape and implemented by the PTC.MfgModelImpl.Manager_TT Thing Template.
◦ PTC.MfgModelImpl.EntryPoint_TT—Thing Template for the manufacturing model implementation building block entry point. Inherits from thePTC.Base.ComponentEntryPoint_TT Thing Template. Handles service implementation for deployment.
◦ PTC.MfgModelImpl.Manager_TT—Thing Template for the manufacturing model implementation building block manager. Contains any implementation details for the PTC.MfgModel.Management_TS Thing Shape.
The complete list of entities in the building block can be found by viewing the PTC.MfgModel and PTC.MfgModelImpl projects in ThingWorx Composer.