API Documentation > Interface Classes > Class pfcUDFDimension
Class pfcUDFDimension

SUCCESSOR(S): pfcDimension
# include <pfcUDFGroup.h>

: public virtual

Defines a dimension in a UDF. This is the same as a regular dimension, except that this provides access to the UDF dimension name specified when the UDF was created.
Manual References:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Method Summary
DEPRECATED: since Creo 4
The dimension name specified when the UDF was created.
Methods Inherited from Class pfcBaseParameter::
Methods Inherited from Class pfcChild::
Methods Inherited from Class pfcActionSource::
Methods Inherited from Class pfcRelationOwner::
Methods Inherited from Class pfcParent::
Methods Inherited from Class pfcParameterOwner::
Methods Inherited from Class pfcModelItem::
Methods Inherited from Class pfcBaseDimension::
Method Detail
DEPRECATED: since Creo 4
The dimension name specified when the UDF was created.
Exceptions thrown (but not limited to):
pfcXToolkitBadContext - The group is not a UDF.
Manual References:
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