Creo Schematics Help Center > Design Basics > Labels > Label Format Strings > Examples: Using the connected Accessor Keyword
Examples: Using the connected Accessor Keyword
The following are examples of the use of the connected accessor keyword.
Connected Directly
This string specifies the names of a list of directly connected items:
<connected(all, direct, all)!name>
Connected Through a Single Fiber
This string specifies the names of a list of items connected through a single fiber:
<connected(all, via_fiber, all)!name>
If the given port is owned by a fiber, then that fiber is considered the connecting fiber to other ports.
Connected Through a Fiber Group
This string specifies the names of a list of items connected through a fiber group:
<connected(all, via_group, all)!name>
Connected Through a Wire
This string specifies the label syntax of a portshape label. It displays the component ports to which this port is connected. The label shows the components connected to the port through a wire in the wiring diagram, and the signal name of the signal network to which it is connected in the circuit diagram.
<connected(wiring, via_fiber, all)!full_name> <connected(circuit, direct, 1)!container!name>
You can add a forth parameter, to all the examples above, with the value connection or component to filter out those connected items. This type of accessor returns ports.