Creo Schematics Help Center > Design Basics > Working with an Internal Catalog > Port Parameters > About Applying Parameters from a CSV File to Component Ports
About Applying Parameters from a CSV File to Component Ports
You can apply parameters to component ports using a datatable, a pin parameter CSV file, or manually. When you manually apply parameters, you must apply them to each port individually. Click the related link below for more information on using a datatable.
Use a CSV parameter file to add port parameters that are not part of the library definition. When you apply the file, it is scanned and the parameters are added to the ports listed in the file. You can apply a parameter file to multiple, selected components. Set the default location of pin parameter files in the Set Directory Defaults dialog box.
A parameter file contains a header line followed by rows of values. The header line defines one or more parameters preceded by an optional pin index or pin name. When an index or name is not defined, the ports are updated in the order that they are extracted from the component. Only ports that are direct children of the selected components can be updated without specifying a pin index or name. When you use the full name, you can update a pin at any level.
Remember the following information when using a CSV file:
A component is a block or a group of the type COMPONENT.
You can only apply a parameter that exists in the global parameter list. When you apply the parameter it is automatically added to the port.
The CSV file does not have to include parameters for all component ports.
When a parameter is applied via a dataset, it is not overwritten when you apply a CSV file.
Parameter CSV files are not part of the design. Parameters that are assigned from these files are overridden when a new file or a datatable is applied.
Errors and warnings that occur when you read or apply a pin parameter file are displayed in a report dialog box. When you try to apply a pin parameter file to multiple selected instances of different types, the Component validity check dialog box opens and displays the items that are not components.