Class CCItem
This concrete class represents properties of a central catalog item not loaded to the database. It can represent an artifact or a datatable.
public class CCItem
extends PropertySet
Hierarchical Diagram
Direct Known Subclasses
Constructs a default central catalog item.
Copies the specified item to create a new central catalog item.
public CCItem(CCItem item)
• getDefaultProperty
Returns the full name of the central catalog item. When there is no full name, it returns the sys_id.
public String getDefualtProperty()
Throws: RSDException
• getFullName
Returns the full name of the central catalog item.
public String getFullName()
Throws: RSDException
• getName
Returns the name of the central catalog item.
public String getName()
Throws: RSDException
• getProperty
Returns the property value for the given property name of this central catalog item. When the property name does not exist it returns the specified default.
public String getProperty(String propName, String def)
propName—The name of the property queried.
def—The default value.
Throws: RSDException
• getProperty
Returns the property value for the given property name of this central catalog item. When the property name does not exist it returns a null string.
public String getProperty(String propName)
propName—The name of the property queried.
Throws: RSDException
• load
Loads the property set for the given central catalog item.
public PropertySet load()
Throws: RSDException