Creo Schematics Help Center > Working with Designs > Wiring > Cables > To Instance and Route a Predefined or Multilevel Cable
To Instance and Route a Predefined or Multilevel Cable
1. Click Diagramming > Route > Route Cable\Pipeline. The Catalog Selector opens.
2. Choose Groups from the Type list.
3. Select a predefined or multilevel cable and click OK.
4. Route one core of the cable.
a. Select a port on a connector, the pointer changes to . Click to start routing.
b. Select a port on the second connector and click to route the cable. The remaining cores and cable decorations are automatically created and applied.
5. To route in free space:
To begin the route, right-click and choose Free Point from the shortcut menu.
To end the route, right-click and choose Terminate from the shortcut menu.