About the Model Explorer
The Model Explorer includes the Folders tree on the left with a hierarchical representation of a design and information about the current Folders tree selection on the right. A description of the tabs in the Model Explorer follows.
Contents—Displays the contents of selected Folders tree items. By default, the contents are grouped by class and sorted alphabetically. You can select items from either side of the Model Explorer. If an item is selected in the Contents tab, its name appears in blue in the Folders tree.
Preview—Displays the current state of the sheet from which you have selected items.
Folder Parameters, Sheet Parameters—Displays the parameters of the selected folder or sheet. If different types of items are selected, common parameters are displayed.
Artifact Parameters, Shape Properties—Displays the parameters of the selected artifact or the properties of the selected shape.
Using the Model Explorer
The Model Explorer is available whenever a design is open. To open the Model Explorer, click Diagramming > Explorers > Model Explorer. Select an item in the Folders tree, and click an icon to perform any of the following actions:
—Creates a new folder in the selected folders.
—Creates a new sheet in the selected folders.
—Deletes selected items.
—Moves to the common parent of the selected items.
—Cuts the selected item.
—Copies the selected item.
—Links the selected item to another one.
—Pastes the current clipboard item.
—Views the selected item in the main window.
—Places another shape of the selected object.