Creo Tolerance Analysis > Circuit Card Tutorial > Circuit Card Tutorial > Resuming the dimension selection process
Resuming the dimension selection process
1. Click on in the Tolerance Analysis window to resume dimension selection.
2. Click the PCB to display the candidate dimensions for that part.
3. Select the hole diameter (3.5 +0.1/-0).
4. Select the Selected Cylinder is a Hole option in the Select Option dialog to indicate that the selected dimension is related to a hole.
5. Select the screw hole location (25.±0.2).
6. Select the plug hole location (7.1±0.2).
Since the plug snap fittings are self-centering, you do not need to include the diameter for the plug holes. No more dimensions from the PCB are required.
7. Click the Plug to display the candidate dimensions for that part.
8. Select the basic locating dimension for the snap fit (8.8)
9. Select the position tolerance for the snap fit ()
Since the endpoint of the basic dimension is aligned with the second measurement reference, the dimension loop is complete. The application automatically terminates the selection process, analyzes the dimension loop, and displays the results.