(sd-define-licensing-module product-name partner-key product-key)
- Description:
Defines a new licensing module having the given name (which must be
unique). The two keys are used to calculate the secret product key for
the new module.
Note: If this function returns nil you have to
abandon the activation of your module. If you don't do that, your module
will probably utilize an already defined and activated license without
requesting the license which is supposed to be drawn.
- Parameters:
- product-name {STRING} - the unique name of the new liensing
- partner-key {STRING} - the partner key. It must be 8
characters long.
- product-key {STRING} - the product key. It must be 8
characters long.
- Return Value:
- t - the module is successfully defined
- nil - Usually if the product-name already exists.
Use sd-inq-error-obj to
get more information about the failure.
See important note above as well!
- Example:
(sd-define-licensing-module "VAR-ADD-ON-PRODUCT" "VAR1XYZ!" "PRODSECK")

- Description:
Returns the Universal Time (see the Common Lisp reference manual) at
which Creo Elements/Direct Modeling will start complaining about an
expired license. This is 0 when no time-bombed licenses are active;
otherwise it is the earliest expiry time of all active time-bombed
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- license-expiry-time {INTEGER} - the Universal Time of an
expired license
- Example:
(sd-license-expiry-time) => 0

(sd-formatted-license-expiry-time format)
- Description:
Returns a string corresponding to the time reported by sd-license-expiry-time. The string is
generated by passing the time and the format string to
strftime(3c). The main purpose of this function is to generate
a correctly localized representation of the expiry time.
Note: If sd-license-expiry-time returns 0, this
function will not return a meaningful result.
- Parameters:
- format {STRING} - the format string for
- Return Value:
- formatted-license-expiry-time {STRING} - the formatted
license expiry time
- Example:
(unless (zerop (sd-license-expiry-time))
(display (sd-formatted-license-expiry-time
"WARNING: The license for Creo Elements/Direct Modeling will expire %c.")))

(sd-license-server hostname operation)
- Description:
Connect to the named license server.
- Parameters:
- hostname {STRING} - the name of a host running an MEls
license server
- operation {KEYWORD} - :connect
- Return Value:
- t - success
- nil - error

(sd-module-activate modulename)
- Description:
If the given module is not already active, the function tries to obtain
a license for it. If the license is granted, this function also triggers
an event corresponding to the module (see sd-module-activation-event).
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING} - the name of the module to
- Return Value:
- t - the license has been granted (or if the module was
already active)
- nil - otherwise
- Example:
(sd-module-activate "VAR-ADD-ON-PRODUCT")

(sd-module-deactivate modulename)
- Description:
Deactivates the module with name modulename and releases its
license. On successful deactivation the sd-module-deactivation-event gets
If the module was deactivated already, nothing happens.
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING} - the name of the module to
- Return Value:
- t - the module could be deactivated (or was deactivated
- nil - otherwise (e.g. no module with such name)

(sd-module-activation-event modulename)
- Description:
For each of the licensed module, there is a corresponding activation
event. Its name is returned by this function. This event is triggered at
most once (when the corresponding module becomes active).
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING} - the name of the module
- Return Value:
- event {STRING} - activation event name

(sd-module-deactivation-event modulename)
- Description:
Returns the name of the deactivation event. With deactivation of the
module with name modulename this event gets triggered.
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING} - the name of the module
- Return Value:
- event {STRING} - deactivation event name

(sd-module-active-p modulename)
- Description:
Inquires whether the module with name modulename is active or
not. That means the user got a license for a certain Creo
Elements/Direct Modeling module which he has requested.
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING}
Name of the module. List of valid module names:
- "STEP"
- "STL"
- Return value:
- t - if module is active
- nil - otherwise

(sd-announce-license-free-module modulename)
- Description:
Announces a new module with name modulename as license free
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING} - name of module to announce
- Return Value:
- t - always

(sd-license-free-module-p modulename)
- Description:
Checks if modulename is announced as license free module.
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING} - name of module to check
- Return Value:
- t - module is a license free module
- nil - module is not a license free module

(sd-license-free-module-activate modulename)
- Description:
If the given module is not already active, the function activates the
module by triggering its corresponding activation event (see sd-license-free-module-activation-event).
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING} - the name of the module to
- Return Value:
- t - always
- Example:
(sd-license-free-module-activate "PEWMSD")

(sd-license-free-module-deactivate modulename)
- Description:
Deactivates the license free module with name modulename. On
successful deactivation the sd-license-free-module-deactivation-event
is processed.
If the module was deactivated already, nothing happens.
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING} - the name of the module to
- Return Value:
- t - always

(sd-license-free-module-activation-event modulename)
- Description:
Returns the activation event name of the license free module with name
modulename to be used to subscribe and unsubscribe custom
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING} - the name of the module
- Return Value:
- event {STRING} - activation event name

(sd-license-free-module-deactivation-event modulename)
- Description:
Returns the name of the deactivation event. With deactivation of the
module with name modulename this event gets triggered.
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING} - the name of the module
- Return Value:
- event {STRING} - deactivation event name

(sd-license-free-module-active-p modulename)
- Description:
Inquires whether the license free module with name modulename is
active or not.
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING}
Name of the module. List of valid module names:
- "PEWMSD" - DesignManagement
- "REMOTE_CALC" - Remote Server Update
- Return value:
- t - if module is active
- nil - otherwise

(sd-set-idle-behavior behavior)
- Description:
By default Creo Elements/Direct Modeling checks licenses all the time
even if it is in idle state. If you call this function with :on
as parameter you tell Creo Elements/Direct Modeling to release the used
licenses after a certain period of hold time (see sd-set-hold-time) if Creo Elements/Direct
Modeling is idle (no mouse or keyboard interaction) during that time. If
during that time the license server does not receive any requests from
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling, the licenses used by this Creo
Elements/Direct Modeling can be granted to another Creo Elements/Direct
- Parameters:
- behavior {KEYWORD [:off]} - :on or
- Switch release of licenses in idle state on or off
- Return value:
- t - success
- nil - otherwise

SD-SET-HOLD-TIME [function]
(sd-set-hold-time hold-time)
- Description:
Sets the number of minutes a license server will hold a license locked
if Creo Elements/Direct Modeling does not check licenses in that time.
Each time Creo Elements/Direct Modeling checks licenses, the hold timer
is reset and will hold the license for that number of minutes.
To enable release of licenses in idle state you need to call
The license hold time applies for all licenses granted to Creo
Elements/Direct Modeling.
By using this function you can also affect the license server check
time, because the license server check time is correlative with the
license hold time. Below you find the formula how to calculate the
license server check time:
LsChkTime = ( hold-time * 60 ) / 2 ( in seconds )
- Note:
If LsChkTime exceeds 10 minutes a value of 10 minutes will be
If LsChkTime falls below 1 minute a value of 1 minute will be set.
If hold-time exceeds 255 minutes a value of 255 minutes will be
If hold-time falls below 15 minutes a value of 15 minutes will be
- Parameters:
- hold-time {NUMBER [180]} - new licenses hold time in idle
- Return value:
- hold-time - the hold-time set previously
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