Miscellaneous Inquiries
- Units:
- Version:
- Language:
- Part Checks:
- Redraw Mode:
- Geometry Mode:
- Modify 3d Defaults:
- Catch Settings:
- Error:
- Commands:
- Model Clip
- sd-inq-model-clip-plane-defined-p

- Description:
Returns the current user units settings for length.
- Return value:
units {LIST} - formatted as '(type
factor), where:
type {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :um - Micron
- :uinch - Microinch
- :mm - Millimeter
- :mils - Mil
- :cm - Centimeter
- :inch - Inch
- :m - Meter
- :foot - Foot
- :km - Kilometer
- :yard - Yard
- :miles - Mile
- factor {LONG-FLOAT} - the length units scale factor
- See Also:
- UNITS [terminate action]

- Description:
Returns the current user units settings for angle.
- Return value:
units {LIST} - formtted as '(type factor),
type {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :deg - Degree
- :rad - Radian
- :grd - Grad
- factor {LONG-FLOAT} - the angle units scale factor
- See Also:
- UNITS [terminate action]

SD-INQ-MASS-UNITS [function]
- Description:
Returns the current user units settings for mass.
- Return value:
units {LIST} - formtted as '(type factor),
type {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :mg - Milligram
- :oz - Ounce
- :g - Gram
- :lb - Pound
- :kg - Kilogram
- :cwt - Short Cwt
- :t - Metric Ton
- :ton - Short Ton
- factor {LONG-FLOAT} - the mass units scale factor
- See Also:
- UNITS [terminate action]

- Description:
Returns the internal string containing the version number and date of
Creo Elements/Direct Modeling.
For example: "SolidDesigner 18.0 03-Feb-2011"
- Return value:
- version-string {STRING}

SD-INQ-VERSION [function]
(sd-inq-version &optional modulename)
- Description:
Returns a property list with the internal string of a module and the
internal string containing the version number, the date of the module
and other useful information. Not every module has module specific
version information and not every module returns all values listed
- Parameters:
- modulename {STRING ["SolidDesigner"]}
- Optional name of module to get the version information of. If not
given, information about the "Creo Elements/Direct Modeling"
application is returned.
- Return values:
- property list {LIST}
- :full-string {STRING} - full string of the module
- :version {STRING} - version number, including major and
minor version numbers and patches
- :version-number {STRING} - full version number
including the internal build number
- :product-name {STRING} - name of the product as
mentioned in the user interface
- :release-name {STRING} - release name of the product as
mentioned in data sheets and product descriptions
- :major {STRING} - major version number
- :minor {STRING} - minor version number
- :date {STRING} - date of the version, format
- :base-directory {STRING} - directory of the module
- :filing-release-name {STRING} - release name of the
current file version
- :filing-major {STRING} - major version number of the
current file version
- :filing-minor {STRING} - minor version number of the
current file version
- nil
- failure, module not activated or no version information
- Examples:
=> (:full-string "Creo Elements/Direct Modeling 20.7 4-Jan-2011"
:product-name "Modeling"
:release-name ""
:version "20.7"
:version-number ""
:major "20"
:minor "7"
:date "4-Jan-2011"
:base-directory "C:/Program Files/PTC/Creo Elements/Direct Modeling"
:filing-release-name ""
:filing-major "20"
:filing-minor "7")
(sd-inq-version "ANNOTATION")
=> (:full-string "CoCreate Annotation Release 18.0 3-Feb-2011 build 851 (851)"
:version "18.0"
:major "18"
:minor "0"
:date "3-Feb-2011"
:build "851")
(sd-inq-version "ModelManager")
=> (:fullstring "Model Manager Rev. 18.0"
:version "18.0"
:major "18"
:minor "0")
- See Also:
- sd-inq-version-string

- Description:
Returns one of the following keywords:
- :english (default)
- :german
- :french
- :italian
- :japanese
- Return value:
- language-keyword {KEYWORD}
- The application's user interface language.
This language is set by the command line options of the shortcuts, or
by the environment variables SDLANG or LANG.

- Description:
Returns the color used by the CLASH_3D action to display part
- Return value:
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- See Also:
- CLASH_3D [terminate action]

(sd-set-clashing-color color)
- Description:
Sets the color used by the CLASH_3D action to display part
- Parameters:
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- See Also:
- CLASH_3D [terminate action]

- Description:
Returns the color used by the CLASH_3D action to highlight surfaces
where part faces touch.
- Return value:
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- See Also:
- CLASH_3D [terminate action]

(sd-set-touching-color color)
- Description:
Sets the color used by the CLASH_3D action to highlight surfaces where
part faces touch.
- Parameters:
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- See Also:
- CLASH_3D [terminate action]

- Description:
Returns the graphics display mode used to display parts while the
viewport orientation is being dynamically modified (e.g. dynamic viewing
using the knob box or mouse).
- Return value:
mode {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :default
- :shaded
- :edged
- :wire
- See Also:
- sd-set-dynamic-redraw-mode [function]

(sd-set-dynamic-redraw-mode mode)
- Description:
Sets the graphics display mode used to display parts while the viewport
orientation is being dynamically modified (e.g. dynamic viewing using
the knob box or mouse).
- Parameters:
mode {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :default - use current viewport display
- :shaded - display shaded faces only
- :edged - display highlighted edges only
- :wire - display wireframe only
- Return value:
- t - success
- nil - invalid mode keyword
- See Also:

- Description:
Returns the mode used for drawing 2d geometry, which is either
construction lines or regular (real) lines.
- Return value:
mode {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :real - 2d geometry is drawn with real lines
- :construction - 2d geometry is drawn with
construction lines
- See Also:
- GEOMETRY_MODE [interrupt action]

- Description:
Returns the mode setting that specifies whether or not a body check is
performed automatically after a 3d modify operation.
- Return value:
mode {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :auto_bodycheck
- :no_auto_bodycheck
- See Also:
- MODIFY_3D_DEFAULT [interrupt action]

- Description:
Returns the mode setting that specifies whether or not blend radius
labels are displayed during a blend modification operation.
- Return value:
mode {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :no_auto_labelfdbk - blend labels are not
- :auto_labelfdbk - blend labels are displayed
- See Also:
- MODIFY_3D_DEFAULT [interrupt action]
- MODIFY_BLENDS [terminate action]

- Description:
Returns the color used to display blends during blend preview.
- Return value:
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- See Also:
- BLEND_PREVIEW_COLOR [interrupt action]

- Description:
Returns the color used to display affected blends during a blend
modification command.
- Return value:
- color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector
- See Also:
- BLEND_SUPPRESS_COLOR [interrupt action]

- Description:
Returns a keyword indicating the extent that subsequent catch settings
will apply to, which can be either "Next Catch", "Default 2D", or
"Default 3D" (refer to the catch menu).
- Return value:
extent {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :next-catch
- :default-2d
- :default-3d
- See Also:
- SET_CATCH_PARAMETERS [interrupt action]

- Description:
Returns the catch range in pixels (the length of the cursor
- Return value:
- range {FIXNUM} - the catch range (cursor size) in
- See Also:
- SET_CATCH_PARAMETERS [interrupt action]

SD-INQ-CATCH-TYPE [function]
(sd-inq-catch-type [catch-mode])
- Description:
Returns the catch type setting for the specified (or default) catch
The term catch mode refers to the complete group of catch
settings to be used in a particular situation (e.g. 2d vs. 3d catching).
The :default-2d and :default-3d catch modes correspond
to the :default-2d and :default-3d catch
extents (see sd-inq-catch-extent) respectively. However, the
:current catch mode corresponds to whichever catch extent is
currently set (either :next-catch, :default-2d, or
- Parameters:
catch-mode {KEYWORD [:current]}
The catch mode that the type setting applies to, which must
be one of the following:
- :current
- :default-2d
- :default-3d
- Return value:
type {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :all
- :vertex
- :intersection
- :grid
- :edge
- :face
- :workplane
- :center
- See Also:
- SET_CATCH_PARAMETERS [interrupt action]

(sd-inq-catch-project [catch-mode])
- Description:
Returns the catch project mode setting for the specified (or default)
catch mode.
The term catch mode refers to the complete group of catch
settings to be used in a particular situation (e.g. 2d vs. 3d catching).
The :default-2d and :default-3d catch modes correspond
to the :default-2d and :default-3d catch
extents (see sd-inq-catch-extent) respectively. However, the
:current catch mode corresponds to whichever catch extent is
currently set (either :next-catch, :default-2d, or
- Parameters:
catch-mode {KEYWORD [:current]}
The catch mode that the project mode setting applies to,
which must be one of the following:
- :current
- :default-2d
- :default-3d
- Return value:
mode {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :project
- :no_project
- See Also:
- SET_CATCH_PARAMETERS [interrupt action]

SD-INQ-CATCH-WP [function]
(sd-inq-catch-wp [catch-mode])
- Description:
Returns the catch workplane status setting for the specified (or
default) catch mode.
The term catch mode refers to the complete group of catch
settings to be used in a particular situation (e.g. 2d vs. 3d catching).
The :default-2d and :default-3d catch modes correspond
to the :default-2d and :default-3d catch
extents (see sd-inq-catch-extent) respectively. However, the
:current catch mode corresponds to whichever catch extent is
currently set (either :next-catch, :default-2d, or
- Parameters:
catch-mode {KEYWORD [:current]}
The catch mode that the workplane status setting applies to,
which must be one of the following:
- :current
- :default-2d
- :default-3d
- Return value:
status {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on
- :off
- See Also:
- SET_CATCH_PARAMETERS [interrupt action]

(defun sd-inq-catch-wp-scope [catch-mode])
- Description:
Returns the catch workplane scope setting for the specified (or default)
catch mode.
The term catch mode refers to the complete group of catch
settings to be used in a particular situation (e.g. 2d vs. 3d catching).
The :default-2d and :default-3d catch modes correspond
to the :default-2d and :default-3d catch
extents (see sd-inq-catch-extent) respectively. However, the
:current catch mode corresponds to whichever catch extent is
currently set (either :next-catch, :default-2d, or
- Parameters:
catch-mode {KEYWORD [:current]}
The catch mode that the workplane scope setting applies to,
which must be one of the following:
- :current
- :default-2d
- :default-3d
- Return value:
scope {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :wp_all
- :wp_current
- See Also:
- SET_CATCH_PARAMETERS [interrupt action]

SD-INQ-CATCH-PART [function]
(sd-inq-catch-part [catch-mode])
- Description:
Returns the catch part status setting for the specified (or default)
catch mode.
The term catch mode refers to the complete group of catch
settings to be used in a particular situation (e.g. 2d vs. 3d catching).
The :default-2d and :default-3d catch modes correspond
to the :default-2d and :default-3d catch
extents (see sd-inq-catch-extent) respectively. However, the
:current catch mode corresponds to whichever catch extent is
currently set (either :next-catch, :default-2d, or
- Parameters:
catch-mode {KEYWORD [:current]}
The catch mode that the part status setting applies to, which
must be one of the following:
- :current
- :default-2d
- :default-3d
- Return value:
status {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :on
- :off
- See Also:
- SET_CATCH_PARAMETERS [interrupt action]

SD-INQ-ERROR-OBJ [function]
(sd-inq-error-obj [type])
- Description:
Most of the interface functions return nil on failure. Some of
the interface functions set an error object which you can inquire to get
more information on what went wrong.
- Parameters:
- type {KEYWORD [:message]}
Used to specify the type of information which this function should
return. You can pass one of the following keywords:
- :message
- :module
- :code
- :object
- :all
- Return value:
- text {STRING} - which contains
- a localized error message if type was set to
- an internal error module identifier if type was set to
- an error code string if type was set to
- object {LISP object}
- the LISP object which led to the error if type was set to
- list {LIST}
- contains the values of the single inquiries in the order
:module, :code, :message and :object if
type was set to :all
- Example:
(sd-call-cmds (extrude :distance 42)
:failure (sd-display-error (sd-inq-error-obj :message)))

SD-INQ-CURR-CMDS [function]
- Description:
Returns a list of all currently active and suspended commands. This is a
quite useful function to generate context sensitive help information.
- Parameters:
- Return value:
- command-list {LIST of STRINGs}
- Names of all currently active and suspended commands. The first
list element is the most recent command.
Note: Internal utility commands like SELECT
("subactions") are listed too.
- nil - no active or suspended command
- Example:
(sd-inq-curr-cmds) => ("MEASURE_DIST_SA" "MEASURE_DIST" "SELECT" "EXTRUDE")

(sd-inq-model-clip-plane-defined-p [id])
- Description:
Determines whether or not the specified clip plane is defined.
- Parameters:
id {FIXNUM from 1 to 6} - The identifier of the clip plane to
- Return value:
- t - if the clip plane is defined
nil - in any other case
- See Also:
- MODEL_CLIPPLANE [terminate action]

(sd-inq-model-clip-plane-enabled-p [id])
- Description:
Determines whether or not the specified clip plane is enabled.
- Parameters:
id {FIXNUM from 1 to 6} - The identifier of the clip plane to
- Return value:
- t - if the clip plane is enabled
nil - in any other case
- See Also:
- MODEL_CLIPPLANE [terminate action]

(sd-inq-model-clip-plane-origin [id])
- Description:
Returns the origin of the specified model clip plane in global
- Parameters:
id {FIXNUM from 1 to 6} - The identifier of the clip plane to
- Return value:
- origin {GPNT3D} - The clip plane's origin in global
nil - Either the specified clip plane is undefined or the
identifier is invalid.
- See Also:
- MODEL_CLIPPLANE [terminate action]

(sd-inq-model-clip-plane-u-dir [id])
- Description:
Returns the U-axis direction vector of the specified clip plane.
- Parameters:
id {FIXNUM from 1 to 6} - The identifier of the clip plane to
- Return value:
- u-dir {GPNT3D} - The clip plane's U-axis direction vector.
nil - Either the specified clip plane is undefined or the
identifier is invalid.
- See Also:
- MODEL_CLIPPLANE [terminate action]

(sd-inq-model-clip-plane-w-dir [id])
- Description:
Returns the W-axis direction vector of the specified clip plane.
- Parameters:
id {FIXNUM from 1 to 6} - The identifier of the clip plane to
- Return value:
- w-dir {GPNT3D} - The clip plane's W-axis direction vector.
nil - Either the specified clip plane is undefined or the
identifier is invalid.
- See Also:
- MODEL_CLIPPLANE [terminate action]

- Description: Returns whether model clip planes are applied to
all objects or only to objects which have their clipping flag set.
- Parameters:
- Return value:
mode {KEYWORD} - one of the following:
- :all - Clip planes are applied to all
- :selected - Clip planes are applied to objects
which have their clipping flag set.
- See Also:
- MODEL_CLIPPLANE [terminate action]
- (sd-inq-obj-clipping-flag)
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