2D Object Inquiries
- Structures:
- Predicates:
- Generic Inquiries:
- Specific Inquiries:
- sd-am-inq-default-drawing-no
2D Objects are items that represent Creo Elements/Direct Drafting
parts, i.e.
- drawing
- sheets
- views
- flats
- sketches
- frames
All 2D object inquiries are based on the 2D objects data that have been
valid after the most recent *DOCU-CHANGE-OBJECT-TREE-EVENT*.
All Annotation commands which create or delete 2D objects, or which alter
the relationships between 2D objects, automatically launch this event after
their execution to update the 2D objects data.
The programmer has to launch the *DOCU-CHANGE-OBJECT-TREE-EVENT*
each time after 2D objects have been created or deleted, or after the
relationships between 2D objects have been changed, other than by calling
Annotation commands and functions described in the Annotation Reference

SD-AM-SHEET-STRUCT [structure]
(sd-am-sheet-struct-p sd-am-sheet-struct)
(sd-am-sheet-struct-name sd-am-sheet-struct)
(sd-am-sheet-struct-frame sd-am-sheet-struct)
(sd-am-sheet-struct-views sd-am-sheet-struct)
(sd-am-sheet-struct-flats sd-am-sheet-struct)
(sd-am-sheet-struct-sketches sd-am-sheet-struct)
(sd-am-sheet-struct-scale sd-am-sheet-struct)
(sd-am-sheet-struct-corners sd-am-sheet-struct)
- Description:
- Contains the data that can be inquired from a sheet.
- Slots:
- name {STRING} - The name of the sheet.
- frame {SEL_ITEM} - The sheet frame.
- views {LIST of SEL_ITEMs} - The list of views contained in the
- flats {LIST of SEL_ITEMs} - The list of flats contained in the
- sketches {LIST of SEL_ITEMs} - The list of sketches contained
in the sheet.
- scale {LONG-FLOAT} - The sheet scale.
- corners {LIST of GPNT2D} - The lower left and upper right
corner of all elements belonging to the frame of the sheet.
- See Also:
- SD-AM-INQ-SHEET [function]

SD-AM-VIEW-STRUCT [structure]
(sd-am-view-struct-p sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-name sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-sheet sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-view-set sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-view-3d sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-type sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-parent-view sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-child-views sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-parts-3d sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-dir sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-up-dir sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-scale sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-offset sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-rot-angle sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-up-to-date sd-am-view-struct)
(sd-am-view-struct-configuration sd-am-view-struct)
- Description:
Contains the data that can be inquired from a view. Please note that if
view-3d is nil (i.e. the 3D model is not loaded) then all 3D
related data will be undefined. This applies for the slots
- view-set
- view-3d
- parts-3d
- parent-view
- child-views
- dir
- up-dir
- up-to-date
- configuration
In case of a flat, the following slots are undefined:
- view-set
- view-3d
- parent-view
- child-views
- dir
- up-dir
- configuration
- Slots:
- name {STRING} - The view name.
- sheet {SEL_ITEM} - The sheet to which the view belongs to.
- view-set {SEL_ITEM} - The view set to which the view belongs
- view-3d {SEL_ITEM} - The corresponding 3D view in the view
type {STRING} - One of the following:
- "BACK"
- "TOP"
- "FLAT"
- parent-view {SEL_ITEM} - The parent view (for section and
detail views only).
- child-views {LIST of SEL_ITEM} - The derived child views, i.e.
section and detail views.
- parts-3d {LIST of SEL_ITEMs} - The list of all 3D parts
contained in the view.
- dir {GPNT3D} - The view normal direction.
- up-dir {GPNT3D} - The view up direction.
- scale {LONG-FLOAT} - The absolute view scale.
- offset {GPNT2D} - The view offset on the sheet.
- rot-angle {LONG-FLOAT} - The view angle on the sheet.
- up-to-date {BOOLEAN} - t indicates that the view is up
to date. nil indicates that the view needs an update.
- configuration {SEL_ITEM} - The configuration assigned to the
- See Also:
- SD-AM-INQ-VIEW [function]

(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-p sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-hidden-lines-calc sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-hidden-lines-color sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-hidden-lines-ltype sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-hidden-lines-pensize sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-hidden-lines-linesize sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-tangent-lines-color sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-tangent-lines-ltype sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-tangent-lines-pensize sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-tangent-lines-linesize sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-normal-lines-part-color sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-normal-lines-color sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-normal-lines-ltype sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-normal-lines-pensize sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-normal-lines-linesize sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-default-settings-struct-iso-mode sd-am-view-default-settings-struct)
- Description:
- Contains the settings of a view.
- Slots:
- hidden-lines-calc {BOOLEAN} - t means that hidden lines
calculation is enabled. nil means that hidden lines calculation is
- hidden-lines-color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector for hidden
lines display.
- hidden-lines-ltype {KEYWORD} - Line type for hidden lines
display. Must be either a linetype or
- hidden-lines-pensize {FLOAT} - Pen size for hidden lines
display. nil means linesize activ.
- hidden-lines-linesize {FLOAT} - Line size for hidden lines
display. nil means pensize activ.
- tangent-lines-color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector for tangent
lines display.
- tangent-lines-ltype {KEYWORD} - Line type for tangent lines
display. Must be either a linetype or :NONE.
- tangent-lines-pensize {FLOAT} - Pen size for tangent lines
display. nil means linesize activ.
- tangent-lines-linesize {FLOAT} - Line size for tangent lines
display. nil means pensize activ.
- normal-lines-part-color {BOOLEAN} - t indicates that
normal lines are displayed using the 3D part colors. nil indicates
that normal lines are displayed using normal-lines-color.
- normal-lines-color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector for normal
lines display, if part color usage is not enabled.
- normal-lines-ltype {KEYWORD} - Line type for hidden lines
display. Must be a linetype.
- normal-lines-pensize {FLOAT} - Pen size for hidden lines
display. nil means linesize activ.
- normal-lines-linesize {FLOAT} - Line size for hidden lines
display. nil means pensize activ.
- iso-mode {STRING} - The isometric mode. Must be either "TRUE",
"30" or "60".
- See Also:

(sd-am-view-settings-struct-p sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-hidden-lines-calc sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-hidden-lines-color sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-hidden-lines-ltype sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-hidden-lines-pensize sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-hidden-lines-linesize sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-tangent-lines-color sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-tangent-lines-ltype sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-tangent-lines-pensize sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-tangent-lines-linesize sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-normal-lines-part-color sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-normal-lines-color sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-normal-lines-ltype sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-normal-lines-pensize sd-am-view-settings-struct)
(sd-am-view-settings-struct-normal-lines-linesize sd-am-view-settings-struct)
- Description:
- Contains the settings of a view.
- Slots:
- hidden-lines-calc {BOOLEAN} - t means that hidden lines
calculation is enabled. nil means that hidden lines calculation is
- hidden-lines-color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector for hidden
lines display.
- hidden-lines-ltype {KEYWORD} - Line type for hidden lines
display. Must be either a linetype or
- hidden-lines-pensize {FLOAT} - Pen size for hidden lines
display. nil means linesize activ.
- hidden-lines-linesize {FLOAT} - Line size for hidden lines
display. nil means pensize activ.
- tangent-lines-pensize {FLOAT} - Pen size for tangent lines
display. nil means linesize activ.
- tangent-lines-linesize {FLOAT} - Line size for tangent lines
display. nil means pensize activ.
- tangent-lines-color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector for tangent
lines display.
- tangent-lines-ltype {KEYWORD} - Line type for tangent lines
display. Must be either a linetype or :NONE.
- normal-lines-part-color {BOOLEAN} - t indicates that
normal lines are displayed using the 3D part colors. nil indicates
that normal lines are displayed using normal-lines-color.
- normal-lines-color {GPNT3D} - R,G,B color vector for normal
lines display, if part color usage is not enabled.
normal-lines-ltype {KEYWORD} - Line type for hidden lines display.
Must be a linetype.
- normal-lines-pensize {FLOAT} - Pen size for hidden lines
display. nil means linesize activ.
- normal-lines-linesize {FLOAT} - Line size for hidden lines
display. nil means pensize activ.
- See Also:

(sd-am-view-set-struct-p sd-am-view-set-struct)
(sd-am-view-set-struct-name sd-am-view-set-struct)
(sd-am-view-set-struct-owner sd-am-view-set-struct)
(sd-am-view-set-struct-views sd-am-view-set-struct)
- Description:
- Contains the data that can be inquired from a view set.
- Slots:
- name {STRING} - The view set name.
- owner {SEL_ITEM} - The part or assembly owning the view
- views {LIST of key/value lists} - The list of view pair lists
for all 3D views in the view set, where each view pair consists of the 3D
view SEL_ITEM and the corresponding 2D view SEL_ITEM, both preceded by the
keywords :view-3d and :view-2d. If a 2D view is nil,
then the appropriate sheet containing this view has not been loaded.
- See Also:
- SD-AM-INQ-VIEW-SET [function]

SD-AM-SHEET-P [function]
(sd-am-sheet-p item)
- Description:
- Predicate to determine whether an item is a sheet.
- Parameters:
- item {SEL_ITEM} - The item to inquire.
- Return Value:
- t - The item is a sheet.
- nil - The item is not a sheet.

SD-AM-FRAME-P [function]
(sd-am-frame-p item)
- Description:
- Predicate to determine whether an item is a frame.
- Parameters:
- item {SEL_ITEM} - The item to inquire.
- Return Value:
- t - The item is a frame.
- nil - The item is not a frame.

SD-AM-SKETCH-P [function]
(sd-am-sketch-p item)
- Description:
- Predicate to determine whether an item is a sketch.
- Parameters:
- item {SEL_ITEM} - The item to inquire.
- Return Value:
- t - The item is a sketch.
- nil - The item is not a sketch.

SD-AM-VIEW-P [function]
(sd-am-view-p item)
- Description:
- Predicate to determine whether an item is a view.
- Parameters:
- item {SEL_ITEM} - The item to inquire.
- Return Value:
- t - The item is a view.
- nil - The item is not a view.

SD-AM-FLAT-P [function]
(sd-am-flat-p item)
- Description:
- Predicate to determine whether an item is a flat
- Parameters:
- item {SEL_ITEM} - The item to inquire.
- Return Value:
- t - The item is a flat.
- nil - The item is not a flat.

SD-AM-VIEW-SET-P [function]
(sd-am-view-set-p item)
- Description:
- Predicate to determine whether an item is a view-set.
- Parameters:
- item {SEL_ITEM} - The item to inquire.
- Return Value:
- t - The item is a view set.
- nil - The item is not a view set.

(sd-am-inq-unique-name item)
- Description:
- If item is a sheet, view, sketch or a frame, then the item's unique
Creo Elements/Direct Drafting part name is returned.
Otherwise the unique Creo Elements/Direct Drafting part name of the
appropriate parent sheet, view, frame or sketch, to which item belongs, is
- Parameters:
- item {SEL_ITEM} - the item to inquire.
- Return Value:
- {STRING} - the unique Creo Elements/Direct Drafting part name.
- nil - An error occured.

SD-AM-INQ-NAME [function]
(sd-am-inq-name item)
- Description:
- If item is a sheet, view, sketch or a frame, then the item's Creo
Elements/Direct Drafting part name is returned.
Otherwise the Creo Elements/Direct Drafting part name of the appropriate
parent sheet, view, frame or sketch, to which item belongs, is
- Parameters:
- item {SEL_ITEM} - the item to inquire.
- Return Value:
- {STRING} - the Creo Elements/Direct Drafting part name.
- nil - An error occured.

- Description:
- Returns the default drawing number.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- {STRING} - The drawing number.
- nil - An error occured.

- Description:
- Returns the number of the current drawing.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- {STRING} - The drawing number.
- nil - An error occured.

- Description:
- Returns the drawing scale, used as default scale for new sheets.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- {LONG-FLOAT} - The drawing scale.
- nil - An error occured.

- Description:
- Returns the owner of the drawing selected during drawing creation.
Should only be used inside AM_SET_DEFAULT_DRAWING_NUMBER.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- {SEL_ITEM} - The item selected as new drawing owner.
- nil - An error occured.

- Description:
- Returns a list of all sheets in the current drawing.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- {LIST of SEL_ITEMs} - The list of sheets.
- nil - An error occured.

- Description:
- Returns the current sheet.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- {SEL_ITEM} - The current sheet.
- nil - An error occured.

- Description:
- Returns the name of the current sheet.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- {STRING} - The current sheet name.
- nil - An error occured.

SD-AM-INQ-SHEET [function]
(sd-am-inq-sheet sheet)
- Description:
- Returns a structure with the data of a given sheet.
- Parameters:
- sheet {SEL_ITEM} - The sheet to inquire.
- Return Value:
- {SD-AM-SHEET-STRUCT} - The inquired
- nil - An error occured.

(sd-am-inq-all-sketches item)
- Description:
- Returns a list of all sketches within the given item. Item can be a
sheet, frame, view or sketch.
- Parameters:
- item {SEL_ITEM} - The item to inquire.
- Return Value:
- {LIST of SEL_ITEMs} - The inquired data.
- nil - An error occured.

- Description:
- Returns a list of all view sets.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- {LIST of SEL_ITEMs} - The list of view sets.
- nil - No view sets defined or an error occured.

- Description:
- Returns the current view set.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- {SEL_ITEM} - The current view set.
- nil - No current view set defined or an error occured.

SD-AM-INQ-VIEW-SET [function]
(sd-am-inq-view-set viewset)
- Description:
- Returns a structure with data of the specified view set.
- Parameters:
- viewset {SEL_ITEM} - The view set to inquire.
- Return Value:
view set data.
- nil - An error occured.

(sd-am-inq-view-set-dirs viewset)
- Description:
- Returns a list with front and up directions of the passed view
- Parameters:
- viewset {SEL_ITEM} - The view set to inquire.
- Return Value:
- {LIST of two 3D vectors} - The front and up directions of the view
- nil - An error occured.

SD-AM-INQ-VIEW [function]
(sd-am-inq-view view)
- Description:
- Returns a structure with data of the specified view.
- Parameters:
- view {SEL_ITEM} - The view to inquire.
- Return Value:
- {SD-AM-VIEW-STRUCT} - The view
- nil - An error occured.

- Description:
- Returns a list of all registered frames.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
{LIST of key/value LISTs} - A list containing a key/value list per frame
with the following keys:
- :ui-name {STRING} - The name shown by Annotation.
- :wm-name {STRING} - The name shown by WorkManager.
- :file {STRING} - The file containing the frame.
- nil - No frames have been registered.

- Description:
- Returns a structure with the default view settings.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- The inquired settings.
- nil - An error occured.

(sd-am-inq-view-settings view)
- Description:
- Returns a structure with the settings of the specified view.
- Parameters:
- view {SEL_ITEM} - The view to inquire the settings.
- Return Value:
- The inquired settings.
- nil - An error occured.

SD-AM-INQ-ALL-3D-OWNERS [function]
- Description:
- Returns the owning 3D parts or assemblies of all 2D views and flats in
the drawing, and which of them are currently loaded.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
{LIST of sub LIST s} - One sub LIST per 2D view or flat with the
following structures:
- (view-2D owning-3D-part-or-assembly) for 2D views
- (flat owning-3D-part) for flats
If the 3D part or assembly owning the 2D view or flat is not
currently loaded, its sysid is returned, otherwise all data are
- nil - An error occured.
- See Also:
- sd-inq-obj-sysid [function]
- sd-sysid-to-obj [function]

- Description:
- Returns the current Primary language of Multi-Language drawing.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- :ENGLISH - Current primary language of Multi-Language drawing
is English.
- :GERMAN - Current primary language of Multi-Language drawing is
- :FRENCH - Current primary language of Multi-Language drawing is
- :ITALIAN - Current primary language of Multi-Language drawing
is Italian.
- :CHINESE - Current primary language of Multi-Language drawing
is Chinese.
- :JAPANESE - Current primary language of Multi-Language drawing
is Japanese.
- nil - Current drawing does not have Multi-Language texts.
- Example:
- (sd-am-inq-curr-primary-lang)

- Description:
- Returns the current secondary language of Multi-Language drawing.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- :ENGLISH - Current secondary language of Multi-Language drawing
is English.
- :GERMAN - Current secondary language of Multi-Language drawing
is German.
- :FRENCH - Current secondary language of Multi-Languagedrawing
is French.
- :ITALIAN - Current secondary language of Multi-Language drawing
is Italian.
- :CHINESE - Current secondary language of Multi-Language drawing
is Chinese.
- :JAPANESE - Current secondary language of Multi-Languagedrawing
is Japanese.
- :NONE - Current secondary language of Multi-Language drawing is
None (i.e not set).
- nil - Current drawing does not have Multi-Language texts.
- Example:
- (sd-am-inq-curr-secondary-lang)
- => :GERMAN
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