Object Inquiries

SEL_ITEM [structure]
(sel_item-type sel_item)
(sel_item-p sel_item)
- Description:
The SEL_ITEM data structure (also called "select item") is used to
represent any item in Creo Elements/Direct Modeling that can be
interactively selected by the user. For example, a SEL_ITEM could refer
to a part, an assembly, a 3d point, or a 2d point.
Select items come in two basic flavors: objects and
elements. An item is called an object if its type is one
of the following:
- Part
- Assembly
- Container
- Workplane
- Workplane Set
- View Set
- View
- Docuplane
- Docuplane Set
- Coordinate System Object
The following illustrates the hierarchical relationships between the
various types of objects:
root "/"
- 1..n Workplanes
- 1..n Assemblies
- 1..n Assemblies
- 1..n Parts
- 1..n Containers
- 1..n Workplane Sets
- 1..n View Sets containing 1..n Views
- 1..n Docuplane Sets containing 1..n Docuplanes
- 1..n Coordinate System Objects
- 1..n Parts
- 1..n Containers
- 1..n View Sets containing 1..n Views
- 1..n Docuplane Sets containing 1..n Docuplanes
- 1..n Coordinate System Objects
- 1..n Containers
- 1..n Assemblies
- 1..n Parts
- 1..n Containers
- 1..n Workplane Sets
- 1..n View Sets containing 1..n Views
- 1..n Docuplane Sets containing 1..n Docuplanes
- 1..n Coordinate System Objects
- 1..n Workplane Sets
An item is called an element if its type is anything
except one of the above types (for example, a face, an edge, or a
2d point). However, since all elements must be owned by an
object, an element item also contains a reference to the object that
owns it. For example, an edge must be owned by a part, and a 2d line
must be owned by a workplane. Another way to say this is that all items
contain a reference to an object, but only element items also contain a
reference to an element. The following figure illustrates that all items
must have a type and a reference to an object, but may
have a reference to an element:

Therefore, for functions that operate on objects, such as
SD-INQ-OBJ-PATHNAME, it doesn't matter wether you pass in an object
SEL_ITEM (such as a part) or an element SEL_ITEM (such as an edge on the
part) since only the object portion of the SEL_ITEM will be used.
- Slots:
Direct access to the actual data slots of a SEL_ITEM is not
supported (except for the type slot) and generally not
needed, since objects and elements are always referred to indirectly via
a SEL_ITEM structure.
- type {FIXNUM} - selection type

(sd-inq-obj-pathname object)
- Description:
Returns the pathname string representation of an object.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM}
- Return Value:
- pathname {STRING}
- The object's pathname (e.g. "/assy1/part1")

(sd-inq-obj-basename object)
- Description:
Returns a string containing just the name of the object (not the entire
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire the basename of
- Return Value:
- basename {STRING} - The basename string (e.g. "part1")

(sd-inq-obj-contents-name object)
- Description:
Returns a string containing the contents name of the object, or
NIL if the object does not have a contents name.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire the contents name of
- Return Value:
- contents-name {STRING} - The contents name
- nil - If object has no contents name

(sd-inq-obj-contents-sysid object)
- Description:
Returns the unique sysid of the contents of an object.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire the contents sysid of
- Return Value:
- sysid {STRING} - The contents sysid of the object.

SD-INQ-OBJ-MOD-TIME [function]
sd-inq-obj-mod-time (object &optional attachment)
- Description:
- Returns the last modification time of the instance or the contents of
an object.
- Parameters:
- object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire the last
modification time
- attachment {KEYWORD [:instance]} - optional parameter
- :instance - inquire the time of the object
- :contents - inquire the time of the object
- Return Value:
property-list {LIST} - A property list containing key/value
- :year {INTEGER}
- :month {INTEGER}
- :day {INTEGER}
- :hour {INTEGER}
- :minutes {INTEGER}
- :seconds {INTEGER}
- Example:
(sd-inq-obj-mod-time (sd-inq-curr-part))
=> (:YEAR 2000 :MONTH 1 :DAY 8 :HOUR 15 :MINUTES 0 :SECONDS 2)
(sd-inq-obj-mod-time (sd-inq-curr-part) :contents)
=> (:YEAR 2000 :MONTH 1 :DAY 9 :HOUR 16 :MINUTES 10 :SECONDS 53)

SD-INQ-OBJ-SYSID [function]
(sd-inq-obj-sysid object)
- Description:
Returns the unique sysid of the instance of an object.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire the instance sysid of
- Return Value:
- sysid {STRING} - The instance sysid of the object.

(sd-pathname-to-obj pathname)
- Description:
Converts an object pathname string to its item representation.
- Parameters:
- pathname {STRING}
- The pathname string (e.g. "/part1") to convert
- Return Value:
- item {SEL_ITEM} - The item representation of the pathname
- nil - No item with the specified pathname exists

(sd-pathname-to-pathlist pathname)
- Description:
Parses a pathname into a list of its component names. For example, a
pathname of the form: "/assy1/part1" is converted to ("/"
"assy1" "part1"). The pathname does not necessarily have to
correspond to an existing object.
- Parameters:
pathname {STRING} - The pathname string to convert to a list of
- Return Value:
- pathlist {LIST of STRINGs}
- A list of name strings that comprise the full pathname

(sd-pathlist-to-pathname pathlist)
- Description:
Converts a list of name strings into a single pathname string. For
example, a pathlist of the form: ("/" "assy1" "part1") is
converted to: "/assy1/part1". The pathlist does not necessarily
have to correspond to an existing object.
- Parameters:
- pathlist {LIST of STRINGs}
- The list of name strings to convert into a pathname string.
- Return Value:
- pathname {STRING} - A pathname string (e.g.

SD-SYSID-TO-OBJ [function]
(sd-sysid-to-obj sysid &optional start-item)
- Description:
Converts an object unique sysid to its item representation if found.
Since multiple versions of that object can be present at the same time,
a list of objects is returned. The search for the object starts with
object start-item or with root "/" if no start-item is
- Parameters:
- sysid {STRING} - the unique sysid of an object
- start-item {SEL_ITEM ["/"]} - optional object where search
should start from
- Return Value:
- item {LIST of SEL_ITEMs} - The item representations of the
sysid (including all versions)
- nil - No item with the specified sysid exists

(sd-gen-obj-basename type :parent parent :prefix prefix)
- Description:
Generates a unique object basename which may be used as child
name of a new object in parent.
If prefix is not given, the name will be generated using the
defaults which correspond to type.
- Parameters:
- type {KEYWORD}
used to determine the default prefix of the object name if
prefix is set to nil.
One of the following keywords is allowed:
- :part
- :assembly
- :container
- :workplane
- :wpset
- :view-set
- :docuplane-set
- :coordinate-system
- :parent {SEL_ITEM or STRING ["/" or nil]}
- If this parameter is omitted and type is one of
:part, :assembly, :container, :workplane
or :wpset, this parameter defaults to "/".
If type is set to :layout this parameter must be
set to either a part or assembly string or sel_item.
In all other cases this parameter may be either an object sel_item or
the full path to an object as string (e.g. "/a1/p1").
- :prefix {STRING}
- Overwrites the system default prefixes for the different object
types. This string must be a valid Creo Elements/Direct
Modeling object name (part).
Note: Prefix strings starting with a "/" are not allowed. If
you want to generate a whole new pathname and not only the basename
use in addition to this function the function sd-pathlist-to-pathname.
- Return Value:
- basename {STRING} - the system generated string
- nil - if something failed
- Examples:
(sd-gen-obj-basename :part) => "p2"
(sd-gen-obj-basename :layout :parent "/p1") => "l1"
(sd-gen-obj-basename :workplane :prefix "temp-plane") => "temp-plane1"

SD-INQ-PARENT-OBJ [function]
(sd-inq-parent-obj item)
- Description:
Returns the parent object of an object or element item, or nil if the
item has no parent. Objects below root ("/") return NIL as
parent object.
The parent object of an element such as an edge is the owning part or
- Parameters:
item {SEL_ITEM} - The item to inquire the parent object of
- Return Value:
- parent-object {SEL_ITEM} - The parent object
- nil - The specified object does not have a parent

(sd-inq-obj-children object)
- Description:
Returns the child objects (only one level down) of an object.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire the children of
- Return Value:
- child-objects {LIST of SEL_ITEMs} - The children of the
- nil - if the specified object has no children

(sd-inq-obj-contents-read-only-p object)
- Description:
Returns t if the contents of the object are read-only, and
nil if they are modifiable.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM}
- Return Value:
- t - if the object contents are read only
- nil - if the object contents are modifiable

(sd-inq-obj-parent-contents-read-only-p object)
- Description:
Returns t if the contents of the object's parent object are
read-only, and nil if they are modifiable.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM}
- Return Value:
- t - if the contents of the object's parent object is
- nil - if the contents of the object's parent object is

(sd-inq-obj-instance-read-only-p object)
- Description:
Returns t if the instance of the object is read-only, and
nil if it is modifiable.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM}
- Return Value:
- t - if the object instance is read-only
- nil - if the object instance is modifiable

(sd-inq-obj-parent-instance-read-only-p object)
- Description:
Returns t if the instance of the object's parent object is
read-only, and nil if it is modifiable.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object whose parent object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - The instance of the object's parent object is
- nil - The instance of the object's parent object is

(sd-inq-obj-position-read-only-p object)
- Description:
Returns t if the position of the object is read-only, and
nil if it is modifiable.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM}
- Return Value:
- t - if the object position is read-only
- nil - if the object position is modifiable

(sd-inq-obj-contents-modified-p object &key check-database)
- Description:
Returns t if the contents of the object have been modified
since being loaded into the system, and nil if they have not
been modified.
- Parameters:
- object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
check-database {KEYWORD} - Flag controlling behavior for parts
loaded from a database. If this parameter is set, additional checks for
the modification status of parts loaded from the database will be
performed. This parameter defaults to NIL.
- Return Value:
- t - The object contents have been modified since loading
- nil - The object contents have not been modified since
- Examples:
(sd-inq-obj-contents-modified-p (sd-inq-curr-part))
(sd-inq-obj-contents-modified-p (sd-inq-curr-part) :check-database t)

(sd-inq-obj-instance-modified-p object)
- Description:
Returns t if the instance of the object has been modified since
being loaded into the system, and nil if it has not been
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - The object instance has been modified since loading
- nil - The object instance has not been modified since

(sd-inq-obj-untouchable-p object)
- Description:
Returns t if the contents of the object has been marked as
untouchable because it has lost references during load / reload from a
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - The object contents has been marked as untouchable
- nil - The object contents has not been marked as

(sd-inq-obj-lightweight-p object)
- Description:
Returns t if the object is a lightweight object.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - The object is a lightweight object.
- nil - The object is not a lightweight object.

(sd-inq-obj-partially-loaded-p object)
- Description:
Returns t if the object originally has been partially loaded
from a database.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - The object has been partially loaded.
- nil - The object has not been partially loaded.

(sd-inq-obj-selective-instance-p object)
- Description:
Returns t if the object is a selective instance, and
nil otherwise.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - The object is a selective instance
- nil - The object is not a selective instance

(sd-inq-obj-selective-context object)
- Description:
Returns the assembly context object of the selective instance if object
is a selective instance, and nil otherwise.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object whose assembly context is to be
- Return Value:
- context {SEL_ITEM}- The assembly context object for the
selective instance
- nil - The object is not a selective instance

(sd-inq-obj-shared-objects object :all all)
- Description:
Returns a list of all the objects that are shared by the given object.
This list includes the given object.
- Parameters:
- object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- If this parameter is omitted or set to nil, the number of
returned objects is equal to the number of shares of the inquired
- If this parameter is set to t, then all shared parents of
the inquired object are also included in the result.
- Return Value:
- shared-objects {LIST of SEL_ITEMs}
- A list of all the items shared by the object, including the object
- list with only object in it - The specified object
is not shared with any other objects

SD-INQ-CURR-PART [function]
- Description:
Returns the current part object or nil if no part is current.
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- curr-part {SEL_ITEM} - The current part object
- nil - No part is current

SD-INQ-CURR-WP [function]
- Description:
- Returns the current workplane object or nil if no workplane is
- Please note that this function will return one of the following:
- A workplane
- A view
- A docuplane
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- curr-wp {SEL_ITEM} - The current workplane object
- nil - No workplane is current

- Description:
Fast method to check whether a current workplane, docuplane or view
- Parameters:
- Return Value:
- t - A current workplane, docuplane or view exists
- nil - No workplane, docuplane or view is current

SD-INQ-PART-P [function]
(sd-inq-part-p object)
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether the passed object is a part.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - object is a part
- nil - object is not a part

SD-INQ-ASSEMBLY-P [function]
(sd-inq-assembly-p object)
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether the passed object is an assembly.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - object is an assembly
- nil - object is not an assembly

(sd-inq-container-p object)
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether the passed object is a container.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - object is a container
- nil - object is not a container

(sd-inq-stock-container-p object)
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether the passed object is a stock container.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - object is a stock container
- nil - object is not a stock container

(sd-inq-workplane-p object)
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether the passed object is a workplane.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - object is a workplane
- nil - object is not a workplane

SD-INQ-WPSET-P [function]
(sd-inq-wpset-p object)
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether the passed object is a workplane set.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - object is a workplane set
- nil - object is not a workplane set

SD-INQ-FACE-PART-P [function]
(sd-inq-face-part-p object)
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether the passed object is a face part.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - object is a face part
- nil - object is not a face part

SD-INQ-WIRE-PART-P [function]
(sd-inq-wire-part-p object)
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether the passed object is a wire part.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - object is a wire part
- nil - object is not a wire part

SD-INQ-EMPTY-PART-P [function]
(sd-inq-empty-part-p object)
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether the passed object is an empty part. An
empty part has no geometry.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - object is an empty part
- nil - object is not an empty part

(sd-inq-simplified-object-p object)
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether the contents of the passed object is a
simplified object (red or yellow browser bullet)
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - object is a simplified object
- nil - object is not a simplified object

(sd-inq-simplification-owner-p object)
- Description:
Predicate to determine whether the passed object is a simplified object
and is the owner of the simplification definition according to that the
object was simplified (red browser bullet)
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- t - object is the owner of the simplification
- nil - object is not the owner of the simplification

(sd-inq-simplification-name object)
- Description: Returns the name of the simplification definition
according to which the object was simplified
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- name {STRING} - the name of the simplification
- nil - object is not a simplified object

(sd-inq-simplification-names object)
- Description: Returns the name/names of all the simplification
definitions attached to the object
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- names {LIST of STRINGs} - the name/names of the
simplification definition attached
- nil - object is not the owner of the simplification

(sd-inq-simplification-owner-id object)
- Description: Returns the unique sysid of the owner of the
simplification definition according to which the object was
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return Value:
- name {STRING} - the unique sysid
- nil - object is not a simplified object

(sd-inq-obj-clipping-flag object)
- Description:
Returns the status of the object's clipping flag.
- Parameters:
object {SEL_ITEM} - The object to inquire
- Return value:
- :on - if the cliping flag is set
:off - if the clipping flag is unset
- See Also:
- MODEL_CLIPPLANE [terminate action]
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