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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

C_LINE_INF terminate action

C_LINE_INF creates linear construction geometry using different parameters, and relations to existing elements.


    +--------<-------+    +----------------------<------------------+
    |                     |                                         |
    |                                                                    |
    |                                                                    ^
    |                     +----------------------<------------------+    |
    |                     |                                         |    |
    +--(:HORIZONTAL)------+----+----|begin posn|----+--------->-----+----+
    |                          |                    |                    |
    |                          +----|offset|--------+                    |
    |                                                                    ^
    |                     +----------------------<------------------+    |
    |                     |                                         |    |
    +--(:VERTICAL)--------+----+----|begin posn|----+---------->----+----+
    |                          |                    |                    |
    |                          +----|offset|--------+                    |
    |                                                                    ^
    |                        +----------<---------+                      |
    |                        |                    |                      |
    +--(:ANGLE)----|posn|----+----|angle posn|----+------------->--------+
    |                        |                    |                      |
    |                        +----|angle|---------+                      |
    |                                                                    |
    |                                                                    |
    |                     +------------<--------------+                  |
    |                     |                           |                  |
    +--(:ANGLE_REFERENCE)-+------|position|------+    |                  ^
    |                                            v    |                  |
    |  +---------------|angle|-------------------+    ^                  |
    |  |            |           |                     |                  |
    |  v            +----<------+                     |                  |
    |  |                                              |                  |
    |  +---|ref1 position|---|ref2 position|---->-----+---------->-------+
    |                                                                    |
    |                                                                    |
    |               +------------------------<-----------------------+   |
    |               |                                                |   |
    +--(:PARALLEL)--+----|straight element|----|offset posn|---------+->-+
    |               |                                                |   |
    |               +-|offset|-+-|straight element|-|pos for side|-+-+   |
    |                          |                                     |   |
    |                          +--------------<----------------------+   |
    |                                                                    |
    |                     +---------------------<-------------------+    |
    |                     |                                         |    |
    |                                                                    |
    |                     +---------------------<-------------------+    |
    |                     |                                         |    |
    |                                       |              |             |
    |                                       +----|angle|---+             |
    |                                                                    ^
    |                     +---------------------<-------------------+    |
    |                     |                                         |    |
    |                                                                    |
    |               +-----------------------<-----------------------+    |
    |               |                                               |    |
    |               +------<------+                                 |    |
    |               |             |                                 |    |
    +--(:BISECT)----+--|fraction|-+-|1st ref posn|--|2nd ref posn|--+----+
    |               |             |                                      |
    |               +------>------+                                      |
    |                                                                    |
    |                 +-----------------<----------------+               |
    |                 |                                  |               |
    |                 +------<-----+                     |               |
    |                 |            |                     |               |
    +--(:ANG_BISECT)--+-|fraction|-+-|apex posn|----+    |               ^
                      |            |                |    |               |
                      +------>-----+                v    ^               |
                                                    |    |               |
                      +--|1st angle or ref posn|----+    |               |
                      v                                  |               |
                      +--|2nd angle or ref posn|---------+------->-------+


The following options are available to create construction circles.

When to use

Use this action to create straight construction lines.


The following parameter sequence creates a construction line horizontal to the u-axis of the active workplane's coordinate system.

C_LINE_INF :HORIZONTAL 75,75 150,100

The construction line is created.

See also

LINE terminate action POLYGON terminate action C_CIRCLE terminate action
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