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CoCreate OneSpace Designer - Commands Reference Manual

C_CIRCLE terminate action

C_CIRCLE creates a construction circle defined by a center point, peripheral points, approximate tangent points, diameter or radius.


                              |                                     |
-->(C_CIRCLE)--+--(:CEN_RAD)--+--|center posn|--+---|radius|--------+---+--->
               |                                |                   |   |
               |                                +---|position|------+   |
               |                                                        |
               |                            +------<-----+              |
               |                            |            |              |
               |                                                        |
               |             +-|pos|-+----->------+                     |
               |             |       v            |                     |
               +--(:RADIUS)--+--->---+--|radius|--+--|center posn|--+---+
               |                     |                              |   |
               |                     +------------<-----------------+   |
               |                                                        |
               |                                  +---------<--------+  |
               |                                  |                  |  |
               +--(:CENTER)-----|center posn|-----+--|radius|--------+--+
               |                                  |                  |  |
               |                                  +--|position|------+  |
               |                                                        |
               |             +-----------------<----------------------+ |
               |             |                                        | |
               +--(:TAN_CEN)-+-|element with position|-|center posn|--+-+
               |                                                        |
               |               +--------------------<-----------------+ |
               |               |                                      | |
               |                                      |            |    |
               |                                      +-|position|-+    |
               |                                                        |
               |             +----------------------<-----------------+ |
               |             |                                        | |
               +--(:TAN2_PT)-+--|1st elem|-|2nd elem|-+-|radius|---+--+-+
               |                                      |            |    |
               |                                      +-|position|-+    |
               |                                                        |
               |                +----------<----------+                 |
               |                |                     |                 |
               +--(:TAN3)-------+--|1st element|---+  |                 |
               |                                   v  |                 |
               |                +--|2nd element|---+  |                 |
               |                |                     |                 |
               |                +--|3rd element|------+--------->-------+
               |                                                        |
               |                +----------<----------+                 |
               |                |                     |                 |
               +--(:3_POS)------+--|1st position|--+  |                 |
               |                                   v  |                 |
               |                +--|2nd position|--+  |                 |
               |                |                     |                 |
               |                +--|3rd position|-----+--------->-------+
               |                                                        |
               |                 +---------<-----------+                |
               |                 |                     |                |
               +--(:DIAMETER)----+--|1st position|--+  |                |
               |                                    |  |                |
               |                 +--|2nd position|--+  |                |
               |                 v                     |                |
               |                 +---------------------+-------->-------+
               |                                                        |
               |                                +----------<----------+ |
               |                                |                     | |
               +--(:CEN_DIA)--|center position|-+--|peripheral posn|--+-+
               |                                |                     | |
               |                                +--|diameter length|--+ |
               |                                                        |
               |                 +---------------------------+          |
               |                 |                           |          |
               +--(:2_POS_RAD)---+--|1st position|--+        |          |
                                                    |        |          |
                                 +-------<----------+        |          |
                                 |                           |          |
                                 |  +-|2nd posn|----+        |          |
                                 |  |               |        |          |
                                 |  | +---<---------+        |          |
                                 |  | |                      |          |
                                 |  | +-|radius len|-->---+  ^          ^
                                 |  |                     |  |          |
                                 +--+                     |  |          |
                                    |                     v  |          |
                                    +---|radius len|-+    |  |          |
                                                     |    |  |          |
                                      +-----<--------+    |  |          |
                                      |                   |  |          |
                                      +-|2nd posn|--->----+  |          |
                                                          |  |          |
                                      +--------<----------+  |          |
                                      |                      |          |
                                      +->-|side position|----+----------+


The following options are available to create your circle.

When to use

Use this action to create construction circles anywhere on the active workplane.


Enter C_CIRCLE and specify the creation method, location of the center, and the size of the construction circle as follows:

C_CIRCLE :CEN_RAD 100,100 50

The construction circle is created.

See also

ARC terminate action MODIFY_RADIUS terminate action C_POINT terminate action CIRCLE terminate action
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