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3D Copilot Manual

  1. Introduction

  2. Polestar Functions

  3. Drag and Quickview Specifications

  4. Quickview Functions

  5. Recording Copilot Motion

  6. Examples

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

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1. Introduction

A copilot consists of handles and feedback in the graphics area that make it simple and staightforward to specify geometrical intent. The copilot enables intuitive direct manipulations on objects and reduces the need to interact via UI controls in a separate window.

A copilot consists of the following 3 components

  1. Polestar: A polestar contains selectable handles that can be placed and oriented anywhere in the graphics window. It can consist of line, circular, ring, disc area and sphere components.

    The images below illustrate a polestar, containing the major types of components, and a circular polestar.

    polestar circular polestar

    When a user selects a polestar component, a predefinable pick token and a pick point are issued to the input buffer. These inputs are received by the currently active dialog.

    The pick token typically activates a dialog variable. That dialog variable then receives the pick point which then initiates the dragger. The geometrical properties of the selected polestar can be inquired and exploited in the code attachments of the activated variable, e.g. in :before-input. On completion of the drag, the :after-input code of the entered variable is excecuted.

    A pick on a polestar component contains much more information than is available by using simple UI controls such a buttons, checkboxes, ranges and input fields.

    A set of functions are provided to create, inquire and destroy a polestar.

  2. Dragger: A dragger generates feedback that moves along a constrained path as the mouse cursor moves freely. Typical constrained paths are along a linear direction, a circular curve or within a plane.

    The state of the drag motion is displayed by appropriate drag feedback. The images below illustrate linear, planar and circular drag feedback:

    linear dragger planar dragger circular dragger

    The blue point marks the initial drag position while the yellow point represents the current drag value. The current drag position is displayed numerically in a cursor text window that moves in sync with the mouse cursor.

    It is possible to attach the polestar and a quickview to the constrained drag motion.

    The dragger can be specified by adding drag options to a dialog variable. Such a variable is called a drag variable.

    The dragger feedback is activated as soon as the drag variable is entered and a pick point is received. Thus, for example, a pick on a polestar component can activate a drag variable which then immediately generates drag feedback in the graphics window.

  3. Quickview: A quickview is a feedback object that is updated instantaneously during the drag motion. It displays the result of the drag operation in a quick but possibly approximate way.

    The image below illustrates a predefined quickview called :extrude-profile.

    quick view

    Several other predefined quickviews are supported. Furthermore, arbitrary quickview feedback can be created by means of LISP application code.

    A quickview can be obtained by adding quickview options to a drag variable.

    The quickview is automatically generated as soon as the drag feedback is created. Further functions are provided to create, inquire and delete quickview feedback.

The polestar or the dragger can be omitted from the copilot, but one of the two must be present.

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2. Polestar Functions

The following functions can be used to create, inquire, activate, deactivate and delete a polestar.

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(sd-create-polestar :pick-token      pick-token
                    :origin          origin
                    :dir             dir
                    :forward-picking boolean
                    :no-vport-pick   boolean
                    :components      components)
Creates a polestar using the specified polestar component specifications.

Polestars are automatically managed in the following ways:

Warning: In order to obtain the above built-in polestar management, the polestar must be created in sync with the dialog, e.g. in forms like :before-input and :after-input or in functions called from these forms. Polestars used within a dialog should not be created outside the scope of the dialog, e.g. in a subaction called by the dialog. In particular, polestars should not be created in a :feedback-update-function, since this option is executed while the drag subaction is active. Furthermore, polestars should not be generated in UI-related forms, such as :after-input-ui.

Pick-Token {STRING [no-effect]}
Default pick token for the polestar components.
This argument can be omitted if each polestar component contains a :pick-token specification.
Origin {3D VECTOR [no-effect]}
Default origin of the polestar components.
This argument can be omitted if a polestar component contains an :origin specification (see below).
Dir {3D VECTOR [no-effect]}
Default direction of the polestar components.
This argument can be omitted if each polestar component, that requires a :dir, has a :dir specification.
Forward-Picking {BOOLEAN [NIL]}
Forward picking controls the direction that is generated when a polestar is picked. When this option is set to T, the polestar pick data will contain a direction towards the pick point rather than the direction in the polestar.

This argument is optional.

This option is useful when picking on one of the linear arrows of a classic polestar, resulting in directions that point out from the polestar center. (see Co_View dialog).

The default NIL generates the same polestar pick direction that was supplied when the polestar was created.

No-Vport-Pick {BOOLEAN [NIL]}
If this option is set, a click on the polestar or one of its components does not generate a pick in the viewport. Just the :pick-token is sent to the input buffer.
Components {LIST of PLISTS}
This argument specifies the individual components of the polestar. Each component is specified by a property list. Options that have default values are optional.
     ((:type :line 
         :pick-token     string    ; default=default pick-token
         :origin         3d-vector ; default=default origin
         :dir            3d-vector ; default=default dir
         :forward-arrow  boolean   ; default=t
         :backward-arrow boolean   ; default=t
         :mid-disc       boolean   ; default=nil
         :forward-only   boolean   ; default=nil
         :label          string    ; default=nil
      (:type :arc
         :pick-token     string    ; default=default pick-token
         :origin         3d-vector ; default=default origin
         :dir            3d-vector ; default=default dir
         :mid-help-pos   3d-vector
                         ;The vector :mid-help-pos H is projected onto the
                         ;axis giving point C, the center of the arc.
                         ;The direction H-C is used as the direction
                         ;towards the middle of the arc (where the disc
                         ;is drawn). The actual position of this disc
                         ;depends on the viewport scale.
         :forward-arrow  boolean   ; default=t
         :backward-arrow boolean   ; default=t
         :mid-disc       boolean   ; default=nil
      (:type :disc
         :pick-token     string    ; default=default pick-token
         :origin         3d-vector ; default=default origin
         :dir            3d-vector ; default=default dir
      (:type :ring 
         :pick-token string        ; default=default pick-token
         :origin     3d-vector     ; default=default origin
         :dir        3d-vector     ; default=default dir
      (:type :model-ring  ;This component is intended to be generated
                          ;only via the function sd-classic-polestar-components 
         :pick-token string        ; default=default pick-token
         :center     3d-vector
         :dir        3d-vector     
         :mid-dir    3d-vector     ; direction from the ring/arc center
                                   ; towards the pick point.
                                   ; When a model ring is not a full circle
                                   ; (this depends on the view scale at 
                                   ; creation time) the mid point of the arc
                                   ; is generally placed at the picked point.
                                   ; However, because the radius can vary
                                   ; supplying the mid point is more general.
         :radius     number      
      (:type :sphere 
         :pick-token string        ; default=default pick-token
         :origin     3d-vector     ; default=default origin

Each component can overwrite the default :pick-token, :origin and :dir values - whenever applicable.

However, there is a restriction for the :origin specifications: all component origins must be equal. If a default origin is specified, then the individual component origins are ignored and replaced by the default origin. If no default origin is specified, then all component origins must be equal. If not, the first specified component origin is used for all the other components.

When a user clicks on a polestar component, usually two inputs are sent to the input buffer:

  • the :pick-token associated with the picked component, followed by
  • the pick point.

If the option :no-vport-pick is set, no pick point is generated.

The :pick-token can be used to activate a dialog variable. That dialog variable then receives the pick point. The receiving variable must be designed to receive a pick point and should be either

  • a drag variable (i.e. a variable that contains drag options) that eats the pick, or
  • a variable with an appropriate value type, e.g. :point-3d-pick.

Note: If the :pick-token string starts with a left parenthesis (, the string will be evaluated before the evaluation result (has to be a string or a keyword) is sent to the input buffer. That way you can execute some LISP expression which determines the pick-token at runtime.

The details of the picked polestar component can be inquired within the dialog by means of the function sd-inq-polestar-pick

Return Value:
A polestar structure if the polestar creation was successful or nil if it was unsuccessful.

    (list (list :type       :line
                :dir        1,0,0
                :origin     0,0,0
                :pick-token ":DISTANCE" )
          (list :type       :line
                :dir        0,1,0
                :origin     0,0,0
                :pick-token ":DISTANCE")))
where a dialog variable called DISTANCE is assumed to exist.

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-delete-polestar polestar)
Removes and destroys the polestar.
This function has no effect if the specified polestar is nil.

Note: If a polestar is not explicitly deleted by means of this call, then it will automatically be deleted when the dialog terminates.

polestar {Polestar}
A polestar.

Return Value:

(sd-delete-polestar polestar)

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-classic-polestar-components sel_item position)
Returns polestar component descriptions that are derived from the specified sel_item. If the sel_item refers to a face, edge or vertex, then a position on that sel_itemmust be supplied. The position argument is optional and ignored for part and workplane objects.
For example, a planar face generates 3 component descriptions: a line perpendicular to the face, a disc and a ring in the face.
A linear edge generates 5 component descriptions: a line parallel to the edge, a disc and a ring normal to the edge, and two lines vertical to the edge (one in each neighboring face). See also the co_view dialog example.
A workplane or part generates a polestar containing components aligned to the workplane/part coordinate system.
The Creo Elements/Direct Modeling dynamic positioning commands make use of this function.

Any object that is selectable in dynamic positioning commands, e.g. a face, edge, vertex, workplane or part.
Position [3D Vector]
Specifies where to position the polestar. This argument is is ignored when the sel_item refers to part and workplane objects.

Return Value:
List of polestar component descriptions, suitable for input to the :components option of the function sd-create-polestar.

(sd-classic-polestar-components (first ref) (second ref))
where ref assumed to be a dialog variable with a selection and a :incl-position :3d option.

See also example 6.1. View Copilot

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

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(sd-inq-polestar-pick polestar property)
Returns the specified property of a polestar component after it has been picked.

Polestar {Polestar}
A polestar.
Property {KEYWORD}
If specified, this parameter may have the following keyword:
  • :pick-token
  • :mode
  • :pick
  • :pos
  • :dir
  • :zero-pos
If no property is specified, a plist containing all the above properties is returned.

Return Value:
The value of the specified property
  • :pick-token returns a string as defined in sd-create-polestar.
  • :mode returns :linear, :circular or :planar
  • :pick returns a 3d-vector (adjusted pick point)
  • :pos returns a 3d-vector (drag geometry)
  • :dir returns a 3d-vector (drag geometry)
  • :zero-pos returns a 3d-vector (zero positioning for absolute dragging)
or if no property is specified
  • a plist containing all the above properties.

The returned values depend on the type of the polestar component that was picked:

The value of :zero-pos is used to position the dragger at an initial non-zero value that corresponds to the initial pick position. This behavior occurs when the :jump option is set to T (which is the default, unless :polestar-passenger is set to T). If :jump is set to NIL, then the dragger starts smoothly without the initial 'jump'.

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-activate-polestar polestar)
Activates the specified polestar.

Note: A polestar is automatically deactivated and reactivated while it triggers a drag variable or when an interrupt dialog suspends the current dialog.

Polestar {Polestar}
A polestar.

Return Value:

(sd-activate-polestar polestar)

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-deactivate-polestar polestar &optional freeze-colors)
Deactivates the specified polestar, thereby disabling picks on the polestar.
If the optional argument freeze-colors is omitted, the visual appearance of the polestar is changed to a grey color.

Note: A polestar is automatically deactivated and reactivated while it triggers a drag variable or when an interrupt dialog suspends the current dialog.

Polestar {Polestar}
A polestar.

Freeze-Colors {T NIL} [NIL]
An optional argument. If set to T, then the colors of the polestar remain unchanged during the period of deactivation.
The default is NIL, which causes the polestar colors to change to grey.

Return Value:

(sd-deactivate-polestar polestar)

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-inq-profile-center workplane)
Determines the center of the profile on the specified workplane.

This function is used to determine the position of a circular polestar in the turn command.

workplane {SEL_ITEM}
A workplane sel_item.

Return Value:

(sd-inq-profile-center wp)

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page


(sd-get-visible-profile-pnt workplane)
Determines a visible point on the specified workplane.

This function is used to determine the position of a linear polestar in the extrude command.

workplane {SEL_ITEM}
A workplane sel_item.

Return Value:

(sd-get-visible-profile-pnt wp)

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page


Returns the picked polestar when entering a drag variable that has the option :drag-from-polestar :picked-polestar.


Return Value:
a polestar structure


See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page

3. Drag and Quickview Specifications

3.1. Overview

A dialog variable that contains drag is called a drag variable, as mentioned in the introduction. This section describes the available drag and quickview options. Additional functions are provided to further control and inquire quickviews.

A drag variable generates the drag feedback as soon as the variable is activated and has received a pick point. The variable is typically activated via the input buffer, for example by specifying the variable name in the :pick-token of a polestar.

A drag variable can contain many of the variable options that are applicable to any dialog variable, provided they are compatible with the copilot usage. For example, if a variable contains :before-input, :after-input, :start-input-feedback and :end-input-feedback forms, the following sequence of actions is carried out when the drag variable is activated and has received a pick point:

A drag variable can have the value type :length or :angle. In this case, an input to that variable can be entered in two ways: either by the usual explicit data entry (into the variable's input field or into the user input line) and by means of dragging.

If the drag variable has the value type :length or :angle and is visible, then the value of the current drag distance or angle is displayed in the variable's text field during the drag motion.

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3.2. Drag Options

(sd-defdialog 'dialog-name

     :drag-from-polestar    a-polestar  or :picked-polestar
                            ; Used as source of default values for several
                            ; of the drag options listed below.
                            ; Deactivates the specified polestar while dragging.
                            ; If several polestars can trigger the same
                            ; drag variable, then the value :picked-polestar
                            ; selects the picked polestar as basis for the
                            ; dragging. The selected polestar can be
                            ; accessed via the call sd-get-picked-polestar.

     :drag-mode :linear     ; Drag along the specified line 
                :circular   ; Drag around the specified axis
                :planar     ; Drag within the specified plane

                            ; The default is derived from :drag-from-polestar:
                            ;   - :linear if a :line component was selected
                            ;   - :circular if a :ring or :circular component was selected
                            ;   - :planar if a :disc component was selected

;;   Options for a Linear Drag Mode:

     :drag-line-dir    3d-vector 
                       ; Line direction for a linear drag mode.
                       ; The default is derived from :drag-from-polestar.

     :drag-max-value   number
                       ; Upper limit for a linear drag.
                       ; The default is nil, that is, no limit is imposed.

     :drag-min-value   number
                       ; Lower limit for a linear drag.
                       ; The default is nil, that is, no limit is imposed.

     :drag-scale       number
                       ; Scale for a linear drag.
                       ; The default is 1.

     :offset           number
                       ; Offset for a linear drag.
                       ; The default is zero.

;;   Options for a Circular Drag Mode:

     :drag-circle-cen    3d-vector 
                       ; Circle center for a circular drag.
                       ; The default is derived from :drag-from-polestar.

     :drag-circle-axis    3d-vector 
                       ; Circle axis for a circular drag.
                       ; The default is derived from :drag-from-polestar.

     :drag-plus-minus-range {t nil}
                       ; default=t
                       ; By default angles are displayed between -180 and +180 degrees.
                       ; If this option is set to nil, then angles are no longer
                       ; limited to this range.

;;   Options for a Planar Drag Mode:

     :drag-plane-nor    3d-vector 
                       ; Plane normal for a planar drag.
                       ; The default is derived from :drag-from-polestar.

;;   Options for all Drag Modes:

     :drag-zero-pos    3d-vector 
                       ; Zero position for drag motion.
                       ; The default is derived from :drag-from-polestar.
     :result-type      :distance         ; Assign drag distance to drag variable.
                       :angle            ; Assign drag angle to drag variable.
                       :vector-transform ; Assign drag vector transform to drag variable.

                       ; The default is basically derived from the :value-type
                       ; of the drag variable:
                       ;  - :distance  if :value-type = :length
                       ;  - :angle     if :value-type = :angle
                       ;  - :vector-transform if :value-type <> :length or :angle
                                              if :quickview-type = :lisp-feedback
     :polestar-passenger {t nil}
                       ; default=nil
                       ; Causes the polestar specified in :drag-from-polestar
                       ; to move together with the drag motion.

     :jump               {t nil}
                       ; default=nil if :polestar-passenger=t
                       ;         t   otherwise

                       ; If this option is T, the dragger jumps to
                       ; an initial non-zero position corresponding to
                       ; the picked position. In this case drag start
                       ; position differs from the drag zero position.
                       ; If this option is NIL, the drag starts smoothly
                       ; from the zero position.
                       ; The zero position is in most cases the polestar
                       ; origin. One exception is the ring, where the 
                       ; mid pos (the position of the mid disc) is used
                       ; as the zero point (see also sd-inq-polestar-pick.)

     :initial-prompt-text string
                       ; default="Drag or enter value."
                       ; This initial prompt text is displayed 
                       ; when entering the dragger and waiting for a
                       ; pick point to be entered.

     :eat-pick          {t nil}
                       ; default=t
                       ; A pick on a polestar component issues a :pick-token
                       ; and a pick point. By default, the pick point itself
                       ; is not processed by the drag variable, but is
                       ; rathermore 'eaten'. All relevant drag data is
                       ; by default inquired from the picked polestar.
                       ; In applications not involving a polestar, the
                       ; option :eat-pick nil allows the dragger to be
                       ; activated without needing to have a pick point.

     :fast-complete      {t nil}
                       ; default=t
                       ; Causes a middle-mouse click during up mouse
                       ; dragging to immediately complete the dragging
                       ; positively.
                       ; If this option is set to nil, then a middle
                       ; mouse click during the up mouse drag will
                       ; cancel the drag.

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

There are three ways to specify a dragger:

  1. Specify a reference polestar.
    In this case, the following drag option should be specified:

    Note that :pick-token of the specified polestar needs to correspond to the current drag variable name. A click on the polestar will activate the variable and will then automatically generate the following kinds of drags:

  2. Specify a reference polestar, using :drag-from-polestar, and overwrite individual options of the dragger.
    For example, the following drag options can be overwritten:

    The explicitly specified drag options overwrite the drag options that are internally derived from the polestar.

  3. Specify the individual drag options without using :drag-from-polestar.
    These options create a dragger without requiring a polestar. Note that the dragger will only appear when These two inputs are automatically generated when picking on a polestar component.

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3.3. Quickview Options

A quickview is created if the :quickview-type option and the corresponding additional options are specified.

The quickview is created immediately when the drag variable is entered or, alternatively, when the function sd-create-quickview or sd-modify-quickview is called.

The quickview follows the movement of the dragger as soon as the drag feedback has been activated.

In general, the quickview is destroyed either automatically as the dialog terminates or explicitly when the function sd-delete-quickview is called. A quickview of the type :qv-parcel or :lisp-feedback is automatically destroyed after the completion of the drag.

(sd-defdialog 'dialog-name

    ;-- Profile-based Quickview -- (Example 6.2. Extrude Copilot)
    ;   Creates solid quickviews derived from a profile in a workplane.

    :quickview-type      :extrude-profile ; Extrudes a solid from a profile.
                         :mill-profile    ; Mills a solid from a profile.
                         :turn-profile    ; Turns a solid from a profile.
                         :bore-profile    ; Bores a solid from a profile.

    :quickview-wp        workplane-sel_item
    :quickview-shaded    {t nil}          ; default=t
    :quickview-dir       3d-vector        ; default=normal to :quickview-wp
    :quickview-use-both-sides {t nil}     ; default=nil

    ;-- Parcel-based Quickview -- (Example 6.3. Parcels Copilot)
    ;   Creates solid quickviews derived from parcels, e.g. parts, assemblies,
    ;   workplanes and wpsets.
    ;   This quickview can be used to reposition parcels.

    :quickview-type      :qv-parcel      ; Drags parcels, e.g. parts and workplanes.
                                         ; This quickview drags parcels to a new
                                         ; position.

    :quickview-parcels   sel_items       ; the dragged parcels are derived from
                                         ; these sel_items.
    :transfer-to-model   {t nil}         ; default=t
                                         ; By default the model state is changed by the
                                         ; quickview, that is, the dragged parcel is
                                         ; moved to a new position. If set to nil, this
                                         ; option suppresses the modeling behavior of the
                                         ; quickview and deletes the quickview after 
                                         ; the drag.

    ;-- Lisp-based Quickview -- (Example 6.4. Cable Copilot)
    ;   Calls application-oriented lisp feedback functions during the drag.
    ;   A quickview structure that contains the state of the drag is
    ;   passed to the lisp feedback functions (see sd-inq-quickview).

    :quickview-type             :lisp-feedback

    :feedback-init-function     function-name    ; default=nil
                                                 ; A function for initializing 
                                                 ; lisp-based feedback.
                                                 ; The function must accept one argument,
                                                 ; the quickview.

    :feedback-update-function   function-name    ; A function for updating
                                                 ; lisp-based feedback during the
                                                 ; drag.
                                                 ; The function must accept one argument,
                                                 ; the quickview.

    :feedback-destroy-function  function-name    ; default=nil
                                                 ; a function for destroying
                                                 ; feedback upon completion of the
                                                 ; drag. 
                                                 ; The function must accept one argument,
                                                 ; the quickview.

    :feedback-apply-function    function-name    ; default=nil
                                                 ; a function to be executed
                                                 ; after the drag. 
                                                 ; The function must accept one argument,
                                                 ; the quickview.

    ;   The above quickview feedback functions can be local dialog functions, 
    ;   that access and modify dialog variables, and can call other dialog
    ;   specific local functions. Dialog variables with text fields that 
    ;   are modified in these feedback functions are instantaneously updated
    ;   in the UI during the drag.
    ;   The following restrictions apply: 
    ;   1. The feedback functions are not allowed to call 
    ;      built-in local functions, such as sd-set-variable-status.
    ;      This  restriction does not apply to the quickview apply
    ;      function.
    ;   2. Variable options that update UI, like :after-input-ui, 
    ;      are ignored during the drag. 

    :offset                     number           ; default=0
                                                 ; Specifies an initial offset for
                                                 ; the drag distance that is displayed 
                                                 ; in the drag text field and in the cursor
                                                 ; text window.

    ;-- General Quickview Option

     :quickview-precondition {t nil}
                       ; default=t
                       ; Quickviews are internally created, manipulated
                       ; and destroyed when this option is set to t.
                       ; This option can be used to suppress these quickview
                       ; manipulations while some of the quickview are undefined.


See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page

4. Quickview Functions

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SD-INQ-QUICKVIEW  [function]

(sd-inq-quickview quickview property)
Accesses a property value from a quickview while dragging.

quickview {QUICKVIEW}
A quickview structure
property {KEYWORD}
  • :distance {Number}
  • :angle {Number}
  • :vector-transform {Plist}
    The plist has the following properties
    • :distance {Number}
    • :translation {3d-Vector}
    The :vector-transform option does not support circular drags.

Return Value:

(sd-inq-quickview qv :distance)

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page

SD-MODIFY-QUICKVIEW  [local function]

(sd-modify-quickview variable value)
Modifies the quickview associated with a drag variable. A previously existing quickview is deleted and a new one is created, based on the current values of the quickview specification. Then the quickview value is set, provided it is non-nil.
This function is not applicable for a :lisp-feedback quickview.

Variable {SYMBOL or KEYWORD}
A dialog variable.
Value {length/angle}
Sets the quickview to this value. This value must correspond to the :result-type and :value-type of the variable.

Return Value:

(sd-modify-quickview :dragged-position 23)
(sd-modify-quickview 'dragged-position 23)

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page

SD-DELETE-QUICKVIEW  [local function]

(sd-delete-quickview variable)
Removes and destroys the quickview associated with a drag variable.
Note that quickviews are automatically deleted when the dialog terminates, except for :qv-parcel which are deleted immediately after a successful drag action.

Variable {SYMBOL or KEYWORD}
A dialog variable.

Return Value:

(sd-delete-quickview :dragged-position)
(sd-delete-quickview 'dragged-position)

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page

SD-CREATE-QUICKVIEW  [local function]

(sd-create-quickview variable)
Creates the quickview associated with a drag variable.

Quickviews are automatically created before the :before-input code of the quickview variable is reached. After deleting that quickview, this function can be used to create a new quickview, using the current values of the quickview options (see 3.3. Quickview Options.

This function has no effect if the quickview already exists. A previously existing quickview can be removed by means of the function sd-delete-quickview.

Variable {SYMBOL or KEYWORD}
A dialog variable.

Return Value:

(sd-create-quickview :dragged-position)
(sd-create-quickview 'dragged-position)

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

Function Index Top of Page

SD-GET-QUICKVIEW  [local function]

(sd-get-quickview variable)
Returns the quickview associated with a drag variable.

Variable {SYMBOL or KEYWORD}
A dialog variable.

Return Value:

(sd-get-quickview :dragged-position)
(sd-get-quickview 'dragged-position)

See also: Dialog Generator Manual

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5. Recording Copilot Motion

It is possible to control the recording of the drag motion while creating recorder files.

If the flag Include Motion is switched off (the default), then the recorder file will contain the final drag position. This will lead to a fast replay of the recorder file. If the flag Include Motion is switched on, then the recorder file will contain the entire drag information. In this mode the original drag motion is reproduced during the replay of the recorder file.

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6. Examples

6.1. View Copilot

This example illustrates the use of a polestar. The dialog aligns the current view to a selected face, edge or vertex.

This dialog has no UI window. The user can click on a face, edge or vertex to create a classic polestar as illustrated below.

polestars in use

After the selection of an element, the dialog returns to the prompt state called REF that allows the user to select another element.

Alternatively, the user can select a polestar component. That component selection causes the activation of an invisible variable called POLESTAR_PICK, which sets the current view to be perpendicular to the direction of the selected component. The dialog then returns to the prompting state REF, where it waits for the next user input.

(sd-defdialog 'co_view
  :without-show t
  :prompt-variable 'ref
   (REF :selection (*sd-face-seltype*
        :incl-position   :3d
          (sd-delete-polestar POLESTAR)
          (setq POLESTAR
                :pick-token ":polestar_pick"
                :forward-picking t
                :components (sd-classic-polestar-components
                              (first ref) (second ref))
        :value-type :point-3d-pick
            (second ref) 
            (sd-inq-polestar-pick polestar :dir))

(defun set-copilot-view (pos dir)
  (let ((vp-name (sd-inq-current-vp)))
    (when pos
      (set_vp_to_point vp-name pos)
      ;avoid sd-call-cmds in above interrupt action
      ;to obtain interpolated camera update.
    (when dir
         (set_vp_direction vp-name (sd-vec-subtract 0,0,0 dir))))

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6.2. Extrude Copilot

This example illustrates a polestar that triggers a linear drag and a predefined quickview feedback.

The dialog extrudes a profile by dragging. Alternatively, the extrude distance can be entered numerically into the distance input field. Note that the distance can be entered even before the workplane has been specified, that is before the polestar and quickview exist.

linear drag polestar

(sd-defdialog 'co_extrude
    (WP :value-type :wp-with-profile
        :incl-position   :3d
          (sd-delete-polestar polestar)
          (setq POLESTAR 
                   (list (list :type :line 
                               :pick-token ":DISTANCE" 
                               :origin (second WP)
                               :dir (sd-inq-wp-w-dir (first WP))
                               :backward-arrow nil
                               :mid-disc t))))
          (sd-modify-quickview 'distance distance))
        :value-type :length
        :drag-from-polestar  POLESTAR
        :quickview-type      :extrude-profile 
        :quickview-wp        WP 
    (KEEP_PROFILE     :value-type :boolean)
       :wp             (first wp)
       :auto_direction :yes 
       :keep_wp        :yes
       :keep_profile   (if keep_profile :yes :no)
       :direction      :+w
       :distance       distance

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6.3. Parcels Copilot

This example illustrates a parcel-based drag derived from a classic polestar.

classic polestar

(sd-defdialog 'co_parcels
      :selection (*sd-face-seltype*
      :incl-position :3d
        (when POLESTAR
          (sd-delete-polestar POLESTAR))
        (setq POLESTAR
            :pick-token ":DRAG_VARIABLE"
            :components (sd-classic-polestar-components
                          (first FEV) (second FEV)))))
      :drag-from-polestar POLESTAR
      :polestar-passenger t
      :quickview-type     :qv-parcel
      :quickview-parcels  (list (first FEV))

Note that the repositioning of the part is included with the quickview functionality. Thus, no further :after-input code is required to transfer the state of the dragged quickview to the model.

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6.4. Cable Copilot

This example illustrates a dynamically created polestar, a dragger and a lisp-based quickview feedback.

The dialog allows the user to select a vertex of a wire part and to drag that vertex along the neighboring edges, or within the plane spanned by those edges or perpendicular to that plane.

cable polestar

(sd-defdialog 'co_cable
  :prompt-variable               'MY_POINT
    (POLESTAR                   :initial-value nil)
    (NEIGHBORING-EDGES          :initial-value nil)
    (NEIGHBORING-PNTS           :initial-value nil)
    (DISC-DIRS                  :intiial-value nil)
    (LINE-DIRS                  :intiial-value nil)
    (FEEDBACKS                  :initial-value nil)
      :selection                *sd-vertex-3d-seltype*
      :multiple-items           nil
      :wire-part-allowed        t
      :incl-position            :3d
      :after-input              (make-polestar) 
      :value-type               :boolean
      :after-input              (make-polestar)
      :value-type               :boolean
      :toggle-type              :wide-toggle
      :after-input              (make-polestar)
      :value-type :boolean

      :drag-from-polestar POLESTAR
      :polestar-passenger t

      :quickview-type            :lisp-feedback
      :feedback-update-function  update-feedback
      :feedback-destroy-function destroy-feedback
      :feedback-apply-function   apply-quickview

       (when (and POLESTAR (not POLESTAR_PICK)) ; dragging cancelled
         (sd-delete-polestar POLESTAR)
         (setq POLESTAR nil))
    (make-polestar ()
      (sd-delete-polestar POLESTAR)
      (setq POLESTAR
               :origin (second MY_POINT)
               :pick-token ":POLESTAR_PICK"
               :components (get-polestar-components))))

    (get-polestar-components ()
      (set-qp-data (first MY_POINT))
      (let ((components nil))
        (dolist (dir LINE-DIRS)
          (push (list :type :line :dir dir :origin (second MY_POINT)) components))
        (dolist (dir DISC-DIRS)
          (push (list :type :disc :dir dir :origin (second MY_POINT)) components))

    (set-qp-data (vertex)
          (sd-call-cmds (GET_SELECTION :select :edge_3d :by_vertex_3d vertex)))

      (setq NEIGHBORING-PNTS nil)
      (dolist (edge NEIGHBORING-EDGES)
       (let* ((struc (sd-inq-edge-geo edge :dest-space :global))
              (pnt (cond ((equal (sd-edge-start-pnt struc) 
                                 (second MY_POINT))
                          (sd-edge-end-pnt struc))
                         ((equal (sd-edge-end-pnt struc)
                                 (second MY_POINT))
                          (sd-edge-start-pnt struc)))))
         (when pnt 
           (push pnt NEIGHBORING-PNTS))))

      (setq LINE-DIRS nil)
      (setq DISC-DIRS nil)

      ;; Build a list of non parallel vectors
      (dolist (edge NEIGHBORING-EDGES)
        ;; only works for lines as we don't know whether it's the start or
        ;; end of the edge that is incident at our vertex. For lines this
        ;; does not matter.
        (let ((sd-curve (sd-inq-geo-props edge :dest-space :global)))
          (when (sd-line-p sd-curve)
            (let ((dir (sd-line-dir sd-curve)))
              (when (not (vec-parallel-to-any dir LINE-DIRS))
                (setq LINE-DIRS (cons dir LINE-DIRS)))

      (when USE-GLOBAL-XYZ
        ;; Use global x,y,z rather than the neighbouring edge basis.
        (setq LINE-DIRS '(1,0,0 0,1,0 0,0,1))
        (when USE-DISCS (setq DISC-DIRS LINE-DIRS))

      ;; We expect 1 or 2 dirs
      (case (length LINE-DIRS)
        (1 ;; Add two ortho normal lines
          (setq LINE-DIRS (cons (vec-orthogonal (first LINE-DIRS)) LINE-DIRS))
          (setq LINE-DIRS (cons (sd-vec-normalize (sd-vec-cross-product 
                                                             (first  LINE-DIRS) 
                                                             (second LINE-DIRS)))
          ;; And make 2 planes !
          (when USE-DISCS 
            (setq DISC-DIRS (cons (first  LINE-DIRS) DISC-DIRS))
            (setq DISC-DIRS (cons (second LINE-DIRS) DISC-DIRS))
        (2 ;; Cross these two 
           (let ((dir (sd-vec-normalize (sd-vec-cross-product (first LINE-DIRS) 
                                                              (second LINE-DIRS)))))
             (unless (sd-vec-null-p dir)
               (when USE-DISCS 
                 (setq DISC-DIRS (cons dir DISC-DIRS))
               (setq LINE-DIRS (cons dir LINE-DIRS))

    (update-feedback (quickview) 
      ; 1. delete existing feedbacks
      (destroy-feedback quickview)
      ; 2. create new feedbacks
      (let ((pos (get-quickview-position quickview)))
        (setf FEEDBACKS
              (mapcar #'(lambda (start) 
                                  (list start pos) :color 1,0,0)

    (destroy-feedback (quickview)
      (declare (ignore quickview))
      (dolist (fb FEEDBACKS)
        (sd-end-feedback fb))
      (setf FEEDBACKS nil)

    (get-quickview-position (quickview)
      (let* ((qv-result (sd-inq-quickview quickview :vector-transform))
             (dir (getf qv-result :translation)))
        (when dir
          (sd-vec-add (second MY_POINT) dir))))

    (apply-quickview (qv)
      (let ((pos (get-quickview-position qv)) ;; Get the new position 
            (part_sel          ;; Find the part to modify, from the vertex
                 (get_selection :focus_type *sd-part-seltype*
                                    :select (second MY_POINT)))

        (sd-delete-quickview 'POLESTAR_PICK)

        ;; delete the neighbouring edges and make new ones to the new pos
            (dolist (edge NEIGHBORING-EDGES)
              (curve_deletion edge)
            (dolist (start-point NEIGHBORING-PNTS)
              (create_straight :wire_part part_sel :two_points start-point pos)

        ;; Update MY_POINT and the polestar
        (let ((vertex_sel
                  (get_selection :focus_type *sd-vertex-3d-seltype*
                                     :select pos)
          ;; using set-variable-status forces the after-input to be run, which
          ;; remakes the polestar
          (sd-set-variable-status 'MY_POINT :value (list vertex_sel pos))

;;                                                                            ;;
;; Vec Utils                                                                  ;;
;;                                                                            ;;

(defun vec-parallel-to-any (vec vec-list)
  (dolist (v vec-list)
    (when (vec-parallel v vec)
      (return-from vec-parallel-to-any t))

;; There's no sd-vec-parallel that includes anti-parallel
(defun vec-parallel (vec1 vec2)
  (let ((uvec1 (sd-vec-normalize vec1))
        (uvec2 (sd-vec-normalize vec2)))
    (or (equalp uvec1 uvec2)
        (equalp uvec1 (sd-vec-scale uvec2 -1.0))))

(defun vec-orthogonal (vec)
  (let ((x (gpnt3d_x vec))
        (y (gpnt3d_y vec))
        (z (gpnt3d_z vec))
    ;scalar product must be zero.
    (if (or (> (* x x) 0) (> (* y y) 0))
      (setq new-x (- y) new-y (- x) new-z 0)
      (setq new-x (- z) new-y 0 new-z (- x)))
      (make-gpnt3d :x new-x :y new-y :z new-z)))
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