3D Documentation - User defined Symbols
- Creation Dialog
- Creation of symbol elements (3D Documentation & Annotation)
- Functions to be used within the symbol definition code (3D
Documentation & Annotation)
- Template Browser (3D Documentation & Annotation)
- sd-register-template

(sd-doc3d-create-symbol-dialog :name dialog-name
:title dialog-title
:variables dialog-variables-code
:position-prompt position-prompt
:local-functions local-functions-code
:draw-symbol-command draw-symbol-command-code
:save-variables save-variables-list
:mutual-exclusion mutual-exclusion-list
:help-action help-action
:reference-selection-3d reference-selection-3d-list
:symbol-type symbol-type
:install-function install-function-code)
- Description:
- Creates a dialog that allows the user to interactively create a
symbol, enter the parameter values and place the new symbol on the model.
For general information on dialogs see the Dialog Generator Manual.
- The parameters listed in the following section define the symbol
specific part of the dialog.
Other parameters necessary to create a symbol (like reference element,
docuplane, orientation ...) are added automatically.
- Parameters:
- :name {STRING} - The Lisp symbol of the created
- :title {STRING} - A title that will appear in the top
border of the dialog window. If not specified, the title is derived
from name.
- :variables {PROPERTY-LIST}
- Specifies the dialog variables. Each property of a variable is
specified by a keyword and its value. The variables list is described
in the Dialog Generator
Manual. The default value is nil.
- :save-variables {LIST OF SYMBOLS}
- This attribute specifies which of the :variables will be saved as
symbol variables. These variables will be used for editing the symbol.
The default value is nil.
- :position-prompt {STRING}
- A text that appears in the prompt area while the user places the
symbol on the model. If no position-prompt is specified, the default
string is "Identify position for symbol".
- :local-functions {LISP-form}
- The definition of all local functions of the dialog. The
definition of a local function follows the same rules as the
definition of a LISP function by means of defun. See the Dialog Generator Manual for
more information. The default value is nil.
- :draw-symbol-command {LISP-form}
- Contains all function calls which are necessary to draw the
symbol, i.e. to create the symbol parameters, geometry and texts.
:draw-symbol-command may contain any number of the functions described
within this page. The default value is nil.
- :mutual-exclusion {LISP-form}
- The mutual-exclusion list ensures that a value is assigned to only
one of its variables at one time. In the symbol dialog menu a diamond
shaped indicator shows which variable holds a value. Selecting another
variable from this list will cause the indicator highlight the new
variable and at the same time will remove the value from the old
variable. See the Dialog Generator
Manual for further information. The default value is
- :help-action {LISP-form}
- Clicking the help button executes the help-action for the
customized symbol. See the Dialog Generator Manual for more
information. The default value is nil.
- :reference-selection-3d {LIST of focus-type}
- reference-selection-3d specifies what kinds of items are allowed
to be selected as reference element. The default corresponds to the
focus-types allowed for the creation of a generic text. These are
edges (2D and 3D), faces, parts, assemblies and workplanes).
- :symbol-type {One of :surface, :welding or :general}
- symbol-type defines the set of settings (like color, ...) used for
the newly created symbol
- :install-function {LISP-form}
- If you want to use the symbol in 3D Documentation AND in
Annotation you can specify all the parameters above in a separate
install-function. This install-function can then be accessed via
sd-am-create-symbol-dialog. See examples.
- Return value:
- Example:
(in-package :my-package)
(use-package :oli)
(defun get-simple-symbol-smiley(key)
(case key
(:name "SMILEY")
(:title "Smiley")
(:mutual-exclusion '(MOOD_SMILE MOOD_WEEP))
(:reference-selection-3d '(*sd-face-seltype* *sd-edge-3d-seltype*))
(:position-prompt "Specify position for smiley")
(:symbol-type :general)
(SIZE :value-type :positive-number
:initial-value (get-default-size)
:title "Size"
(EYES_OPEN :value-type :boolean
:initial-value t
:title "Eyes open"
(NAME :value-type :string
:title "Name"
:initial-optional t
(MOOD_SMILE :value-type :boolean
:toggle-type :grouped-toggle
:title "Smile"
:initial-value t
(MOOD_WEEP :value-type :boolean
:toggle-type :grouped-toggle
:title "Weep"
:initial-value nil
) ;; end variables
(:local-functions '(
(get-default-size ()
(sd-create-symbol-circle 0,0 (/ size 2))
;; Nose
(sd-create-symbol-line (make-gpnt2d :x (* size (/ 1 8)) :y (/ size -8))
(make-gpnt2d :x 0 :y (* size (/ 1 6))) )
(sd-create-symbol-line (make-gpnt2d :x 0 :y (* size (/ 1 6)) )
(make-gpnt2d :x (* size (/ -1 8)) :y (/ size -8)))
(sd-create-symbol-line (make-gpnt2d :x (* size (/ -1 8)) :y (/ size -8))
(make-gpnt2d :x (* size (/ 1 8)) :y (/ size -8)) )
(sd-set-symbol-settings :geo-color 16711680 :geo-linetype :phantom)
(sd-set-symbol-settings :geo-color 65535 :geo-linetype :solid)
(sd-create-symbol-circle (make-gpnt2d :x (* size (/ 1 4)) :y (* size (/ 1 6)))
(/ size 6)
(/ size 10)))
(sd-create-symbol-circle (make-gpnt2d :x (* size (/ -1 4)) :y (* size (/ 1 6)))
(/ size 6)
(/ size 10)))
(sd-create-symbol-line (make-gpnt2d :x (* size (/ 1 8)) :y (* size (/ 1 6)))
(make-gpnt2d :x (* size (/ 1 4)) :y (* size (/ 1 6))) )
(sd-create-symbol-line (make-gpnt2d :x (* size (/ -1 8)) :y (* size (/ 1 6)))
(make-gpnt2d :x (* size (/ -1 4)) :y (* size (/ 1 6))) )
(sd-create-symbol-arc 0,0 (make-gpnt2d :x (/ (* size -3) 8) :y (/ (* size -1) 8))
(make-gpnt2d :x (/ (* size 3) 8) :y (/ (* size -1) 8)))
;; else
(sd-create-symbol-arc (make-gpnt2d :x 0 :y (/ size -1.5))
(make-gpnt2d :x (/ size 4) :y (/ size -3))
(make-gpnt2d :x (/ size -4) :y (/ size -3)))
(when NAME
(sd-set-symbol-settings :text-adjust 8 :text-color 1234567 :text-size 2.5)
(sd-create-symbol-parameter "Name" NAME :position (make-gpnt2d :x 0
:y (- (/ size -2) (/ size 10))))
(sd-set-symbol-reference-point 0,0)
) ;; end draw-command
(when (sd-license-free-module-active-p "3DDOCU")
:install-function get-simple-symbol-smiley)
(sd-register-template :name "Smiley"
:application "3D Documentation"
:type :symbol
:path "User Defined"
:image-file NIL)
(when (sd-module-active-p "ANNOTATION")
:install-function get-simple-symbol-smiley)
(sd-register-template :name "Smiley"
:application "Annotation"
:type :symbol
:path "User Defined"
:image-file NIL)

(sd-create-symbol-text text position)
- Description:
Creates a text within the current symbol. When the symbol gets modified
later, this text cannot be modified.
- Parameters:
- text {STRING} - The text to be displayed within the
position {GPNT2D} - The position within the symbol
- Return value:
- Example:
(sd-create-symbol-text "text" 10,20)

(sd-create-symbol-parameter name value :position position)
- Description:
Creates a text within the current symbol. When the symbol gets modified
later, this text can be modified.
- Parameters:
- name {STRING} - The name of the option within the dialog
- value {STRING} - The value that corresponds to the name. This
value is displayed within the symbol.
position {GPNT2D} - The position within the symbol
- Return value:
- Example:
(sd-create-symbol-parameter "Name" "Tom" :position 0,20)

(sd-create-symbol-line start-point end-point)
- Description:
Creates a line within the current symbol
- Parameters:
- start-point {GPNT2D} - start point of the line
end-point {GPNT2D} - end point of the line
- Return value:
- Example:
(sd-create-symbol-line 0,0 30,10)

(sd-create-symbol-polygon point-list :filled filled)
- Description:
Creates a closed polygon within the current symbol
- Parameters:
- point-list {LIST OF GPNT2D's} - start and intermediate points
of the polygon
Please note, that the function automatically adds the first point of the
list to the end of the list again. That means that the created polygon is
always closed.
filled {BOOLEAN} (3D Documentation
only) - Specifies whether the polygon is filled.
Remark: For Annotation use sd-current-symbol-annotation-p and
in addition.
- Return value:
nil - An error occurred.
- Example:
(sd-create-symbol-polygon (list 0,0 0,10 10,10))
(sd-create-symbol-polygon (list 0,0 0,10 10,10 10,0))
(sd-create-symbol-polygon (list 0,0 0,10 10,10 10,0) :filled t)

(sd-create-symbol-arc center-point start-point end-point)
- Description:
Creates an arc within the current symbol
- Parameters:
- center-point {GPNT2D} - Center point of the arc
- start-point {GPNT2D} - Start point of the arc
end-point {GPNT2D} - End point of the arc
- Return value:
- Example:
(sd-create-symbol-arc 30,0 90,0 -30,0)

(sd-create-symbol-circle center-point radius)
- Description:
Creates a circle within the current symbol.
- Parameters:
- center-point {GPNT2D} - Center point of the circle
radius {NUMBER} - Radius of the circle
- Return value:
nil - An error occurred.
- Example:
(sd-create-symbol-circle 25,25 25)

- Description:
- This function inquires if the current symbol is created for 3D
It is important when you define a symbol that should be usable in 3D
Documentation and Annotation, whereby some code is specific to those
- No Parameters
- Return value:
- T - If the current symbol is created for 3D Documentation
nil - If the current symbol is created for Annotation
- Example:
==> T

- Description:
- This function inquires if the current symbol is created for
It is important when you define a symbol that should be usable in 3D
Documentation and Annotation, whereby some code is specific to those
- No Parameters
- Return value:
- T - If the current symbol is created for Annotation
nil - If the current symbol is created for 3D Documentation
- Example:
==> T

(sd-set-symbol-reference-point ref-point)
- Description:
- Sets the reference point of the current symbol to the fixed position
specified in the ref-point parameter.
If this function is used the resulting symbol dialog does NOT
have the options to switch between spider and stub.
- Parameters:
ref-point {GPNT2D} - A point that will be used as symbol
reference point
- Return value:
- Example:
(sd-set-symbol-reference-point -2,4)

(sd-set-symbol-settings :text-size text-size
:text-adjust text-adjust
:text-font1b text-font
:text-color text-color
:text-line-spacing text-line-spacing
:text-abs-angle text-abs-angle
:text-slant text-slant
:text-ratio text-ratio
:text-frame text-frame
:geo-color geo-color
:geo-linetype geo-linetype)
- Description:
Defines the settings used for subsequent calls of functions creating
text or geometry within the current symbol.
- Parameters:
- :text-size {NUMBER [mm]} - Used as default text size for texts
created in the current symbol
- :text-adjust {NUMBER} - The text adjust number (between 1
(lower left) and nine (upper right)) specifying the adjust point.
- :text-font1b {STRING} - The name of the font used for texts
created in the current symbol
- :text-color {NUMBER} - The color used for texts created in the
current symbol
- :text-line-spacing {NUMBER} - The line spacing used for
multi-line texts created in the current symbol
- :text-abs-angle {ANGLE [rad]} - The indidivual text angle
(Annotation only)
- :text-slant {ANGLE [rad]} - The slant of a text, used for
'italic' characters (Annotation
- :text-ratio {NUMBER} - Width to height ratio of text
(Annotation only)
- :text-frame {STRING} The indidivual text frame type. One of
"OFF" "BALLOON" "BOX" "FLAG" (Annotation
- :geo-color {NUMBER} - The color used for geometry created in
the current symbol
:geo-linetype {KEYWORD} - One of :solid, :dashed, :long_dashed,
:dot_center, :dash_center, :center_dash_dash, :phantom, :dotted
- Return value:
- Example:
(sd-set-symbol-settings :text-size 5.0
:text-adjust 7
:text-font1b "hp_block_v"
:text-color 65535
:text-line-spacing 3.2
:geo-color 16711680
:geo-linetype :phantom)

(sd-register-template :name name
:action action
:application application
:type type
:path path
:image-file image-file)
- Description:
- Registers a new entry to the template browser.
This function can be used to fill the template browser of 3D
Documentation or the template browser of Annotation.
- Parameters:
- :name name {STRING} - defines the title of the entry in the
template browser
- :action action {STRING} - The command (and its parameter) to be
- :application application {STRING} - Either "3D Documentation"
or "Annotation"
- :type type {KEYWORD} - For 3D Documentation: Only :symbol is
- For Annotation: One of :symbol, :text, :sketch
- :path path {STRING} - Parent entry in the template browser
(string may contain '/')
:image-file image-file {STRING} - Picture shown in the template
- Return value:
- In case of success:
- Property list with :name, :action, :application, :path-name
:lsp-file, :image-file, :source
- Number of registered templates
- In case of an error
- One of :missing-name, :missing-action,
:invalid-application-given, :wrong-template-type
- Note
Use this function with a multiple-value-setq construct to inquire all
return values
- Example:
(sd-register-template :name "Smiley"
:application "3D Documentation"
:type :symbol
:path "User Defined"
:image-file NIL)

(sd-unregister-template :name name
:application application
:path path)
- Description:
- Removes an entry from the template browser.
This function can be used to fill the template browser of 3D
Documentation or the template browser of Annotation.
- Parameters:
- :name name {STRING} - defines the title of the entry in the
template browser
- :application application {STRING} - Either "3D Documentation"
or "Annotation"
:path path {STRING} - Parent entry in the template browser
(string may contain '/')
- Return value:
- T - In case of success.
- nil - In case of an error.
- Example:
(sd-unregister-template :name "Smiley"
:application "3D Documentation"
:path "User Defined")
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