AM_DIM_CON_TOLERANCE converts tolerances in existing dimensions.
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---->(AM_DIM_CON_TOLERANCE)----+---(:DIM_LIST)-------|select dim|---+----->
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- :DIM_LIST specifies the dimension to modify. This can be
used with the Select tool for multiple selection of dimensions.
- :TOL_TYPE specifies the type of tolerance to which
to convert the tolerances of the selected dimensions:
- :TOL_LIMIT converts to limit tolerancing.
- :TOL_UL converts to upper/lower tolerancing.
- :TOL_PM converts to plus/minus tolerancing.
Use this action to convert the tolerance of an existing
dimension to a different type of tolerance.
Limit and upper/lower tolerances can only be converted to
the plus/minus tolerance type when they are symmetric. For
example, a dimension with upper and lower tolerance values
of +1 and -1 can be converted to 1, but tolerance values of
+2 and -1 cannot be converted.
AM_DIM_ADD_TOLERANCE terminate action