The <menu> Element Attributes
Specifies the location where the action will take place. The available options are ribbon and rmb. If you omit this option, the command will be available from both the Ribbon and the right-click menu.
Specifies the objects on which the action can take place in the user interface. The options are 2d (2D object), 3d (3D object), image, doc , all, and none. You can specify one of the options or an OR list of these options. For example, view="2d|3d".
Specifies a set of panes where the action will take place in the user interface. The options are file, landmark, tree, viewContentPane, all and none. You can specify one of the options or an OR list of these options. For example, pane="file|landmark". The default value is all.
Specifies the menus and the context menus that this option will be added to. (See Available Values for the menus Attribute.)
Specifies the number of the selected objects required to activate this action. The available options are 0, 1, any, and many.
Specifies a set of filter conditions using the functions listed below. Each function returns a boolean value that can be used to specify the filter conditions. You can specify more than one function by using the AND operator (&amp;) . (See Available Functions for the visible Attribute.)
Available Values for the menus Attribute
Adds the commands to the Groups pane menu.
Adds the commands to the Group Content pane menu.
Adds the commands to the Search Results list menu.
Adds the commands to the Model Annotations menu.
Adds the commands under the Layers pane, to the Group list menu.
Adds the commands under the Layers pane, to the Layer list menu.
Adds the commands to the Attributes pane menu.
Adds the commands to the Layers pane, for the drawings menu.
Blocks pane for drawings menu.
Available Functions for the visible Attribute
getSelectedCount ">" or "==" or ">=" number
Returns true if the number of selected parts is "greater than", or "equal to", or "greater than or equal to" the specified number.
getPropertyExists ('DESCRIPTION')
Returns true if in the first selected item, the property exists. Since there is no ordering of selection, it is useful with a single selection.
getSelectedPartProperty(<selection index>,<property name>, <string>)
Returns true if it successfully managed to retrieve the property defined in <property name> of the selected part. The part is defined according to the order of the selection, specified in <selection index>. The value retrieved is assigned to the URL substring marked <string>, according to the XML content.
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