Opening Files > Loading and Synchronizing Data > To Load a PDF File
To Load a PDF File
You can load a PDF file directly into Creo View as a drawing or document. To set the loading preferences in the General-Loading dialog box, see To Set Load Options.
If the Prompt user each time a PDF file is opened check box is not selected in the General-Loading preferences, the PDF file loads automatically.
If the Prompt user each time a PDF file is opened check box is selected, you will be asked to set the loading preferences in the Open PDF file dialog box.
If the BETA: Use native viewer for PDF files check box is selected, the PDF files load with the native viewer. In the native viewer you cannot add, edit or delete annotations while viewing the PDF file. This option is cleared by default.
If the BETA: Use native viewer for PDF files check box is not selected, the PDF files load with Adobe Acrobat Reader or Professional.
The native viewer only supports Windows 10, version 1803 and later.
To set the loading preferences for a PDF file, perform the following:
1. Click File > Open. The Open File dialog box opens.
2. Select a PDF from the list, and then click Open.
3. Select one of the following options:
4. To make the setting the default, select the Set as default check box.
5. Click OK.