Opening Files > Loading and Synchronizing Data > To Set Loading Options
To Set Loading Options
1. Click File > Options. The Creo View Options dialog box opens.
2. On the left, under General, select Loading. The General-Loading options open on the right.
3. To set the way in which files are loaded when Creo View is opened, select one of the following options in the Load Creo View data as box:
Autoload single file—If there is a single node in the structure with 3D geometry attached, this option loads only that part. If there are no parts with 3D geometry, Creo View loads one of the other files types, using the first one in the hierarchy. If there are multiple parts with 3D geometry, nothing is loaded. This is the default setting, and is commonly used when you want to view only one part or file.
Autoload all files—Loads the entire product structure.
No autoload—Disables automatic loading. This option is generally selected when viewing a large assembly.
4. When opening a Positioning Assembly representation that contains branch links, control the number levels of branch links that automatically expand by selecting the Autoload branch links check box, and then setting the level to expand to. By limiting the number of levels of branch links to load, large structures can be loaded more quickly.
By default, the preference is set to Expand all levels.
5. To automatically load model first, select the Autoload model first check box.
6. Select the When autoloading model use default viewable check box to set which viewables are loaded when autoloading a model. To specify the viewable name, type the name in the With name matching box. To include attribute names and values, click Insert Attribute.
7. Select the Only check default viewables attached to parts check box to compare the loaded viewables against the associated part name. To specify the part name, type the name in the With name matching box. To include attribute names and values, click Insert Attribute.
8. Select the Autoload the PVS file’s default view state check box to load the view state active at the time of publishing. Autoload all files must be checked to enable this option.
9. To automatically load structure files that include 3D thumbnail previews, select the Autoload if structure has 3D thumbnails check box.
10. To include textures when importing 3D data, select the Load textures check box.
Use OpenGL 2.0 and above to support all types of texture files.
The following 3D texture files are not supported:
Assembly level textures
Texture files with the same name
Dynamic Representation
11. To enable animated transitions between files, select the Perform animated transitions between files check box. To specify the transition speed, type or select a number of seconds in the Transition duration box.
12. To set the way CGM files are loaded when Creo View is opened, select one of the following options:
13. Select the Prompt user each time a CGM file is opened check box to prompt users each time a CGM file is opened.
14. To set the way an individual PDF file is loaded when Creo View is opened, select one of the following options:
15. Select the Prompt user each time a PDF file is opened check box to prompt users each time a PDF file is opened.
16. Select the BETA: Use native viewer for PDF files check box to load the native viewer instead of Adobe Acrobat Professional or Adobe Reader.
17. Click Apply to apply the settings and continue setting options, or click OK to apply the settings and close the dialog box.